Biden Pentagon Caught in New Scandal – They Worked to Hide Damning Evidence on Top Official
By Mick Farthing|July 2, 2024
Biden Pentagon Caught in New Scandal – They Worked to Hide Damning Evidence on Top Official

Under President Biden, the Pentagon has faced a series of missteps and failures that have raised serious concerns about America’s national security. It was responsible for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing gross politicizing of the Armed Forces. Critics have blasted Biden and his top officials for such a sloppy and pathetic U.S. military.

But, once again, it only gets worse the more you look at it.

This Pentagon embarrassed the nation earlier this year when the Secretary of Defense was hospitalized without anyone’s knowledge. Not even top officials knew he was ill, including the White House. Now, we are learning that the Pentagon’s obsession with identity politics led to a shocking cover-up. A commander was outed for gross incompetence. But she got off, it seems, because she was a woman.

From Daily Caller:
The Biden Pentagon reportedly worked behind the scenes to throw out investigation findings into wrongdoings committed by a top commander…

The California National Guard’s investigation — conducted with dozens of confidential interviews and an extensive examination of records and documents — focused on the conduct of Col. Lisa Nemeth after she was appointed commander of the 146th Airlift Wing in California in 2020, according to the Times. The investigation revealed Nemeth had tried to keep a pilot from getting fired after he was arrested for drunk driving, asked her subordinates to conduct her personal errands and created a culture of poor morale at the wing.

But the investigation was never fully completed because it was ripped up by the Pentagon in 2022, according to the Times.

Col. Lisa Nemeth was appointed commander of the 146th Airlift Wing in California. Soon after, though, she was accused of misconduct, including suppressing the criminal behavior of subordinates and the misuse of staff. An investigation was conducted and found that she had created a culture of “poor morale” at the wing.

But by the time this investigation reached the Pentagon, it was thrown out. A higher-up discredited the investigation, despite dozens of interviews and evidence. He claimed that a woman should have investigated Col. Nemeth’s behavior, suggesting she was the victim of sexism.

So, all the reports by people pointing to Nemeth’s poor behavior don’t matter, because she is a woman? Has the Pentagon become so toxically leftist, that a woman or person of color can get away with anything and not face the consequences? I guess being a “diversity hire” has its perks!

Ironically, the lead investigator in Nemeth’s case was a woman, provign the Pentagon has become so politicized, it doesn’t even know its rear end from a hole in the ground. Apparently, there has been a string of complaints about female leaders creating a “toxic climate.”

This seems to confirm claims that women shouldn’t serve in the military. But what the heck do we know?

Biden’s Pentagon is covering up incompetence and corruption in the name of “equality.” This will only serve to undermine America’s national security.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s Pentagon covered up an investigation that accused a female commander of mistreating her staff and subordinates.
  • Reports indicate that the military threw out the investigation to protect the woman.
  • Several reports have come out exposing female commanders for creating toxic climates.

Source: Daily Caller

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.