Hillary Clinton Claims Trump Is Still a “Danger,” And the Media Needs to Keep Pushing It
By Mick Farthing|September 30, 2024
Hillary Clinton Claims Trump Is Still a “Danger,” And the Media Needs to Keep Pushing It

Hillary Clinton just can’t seem to let go of her delusions. Ever since her stunning defeats in 2008 and 2016, the former Secretary of State has been relentlessly trying to rewrite the history books to justify her failed presidential bids. The problem is that her version of events couldn’t be further from reality.

It’s a tale where she is the perpetual victim, wronged by forces too vast to conquer — never mind that the real reasons behind her losses have been clear for years: a tone-deaf campaign, out-of-touch messaging, and a sense of entitlement that never resonated with voters.

Clinton has worked tirelessly to paint herself as the hero of an epic political saga. In her world, she’s not just the candidate who lost; she’s the most unfairly treated person in modern political history. She spins elaborate stories of Russian interference and FBI conspiracies, conveniently glossing over her own shortcomings.

Whether it’s deflecting responsibility for the email scandal that dogged her 2016 campaign or ignoring the glaring mistakes that alienated key voter bases, Clinton refuses to confront the simple truth: she lost fair and square. But instead of learning from her mistakes, she continues her campaign of blame-shifting, determined to make history remember her as something she is not.

From Daily Wire:
Twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said late last week that the media needed to promote a “consistent narrative” that former President Donald Trump was a “danger” despite surviving multiple assassination attempts…

“The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses,” she said. “Because, you know, people may still look at the danger or say, ‘I don’t care. It doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t affect me. I’m going to vote for him for X, Y or Z.’”

Latest Delusion: Trump as Existential Threat

Now, Clinton’s latest bout of hysteria comes in the form of wild warnings about Donald Trump. During a recent interview at the Clinton Global Initiative on PBS’s “Firing Line with Margaret Hoover,” Hillary claimed Trump is an “existential” threat to democracy itself.

Yes, the same Trump who has been through multiple investigations, faced unprecedented political attacks and even survived assassination attempts. Apparently, none of this matters because Clinton, ever the self-appointed oracle of truth, believes the media isn’t doing enough to convince the public that Trump is a danger.

She lamented that the media needs a “consistent narrative” to show just how dangerous Trump is. Let’s break that down: she’s not asking for unbiased reporting or fair coverage. No, Clinton wants a steady drumbeat of propaganda to brainwash voters into fearing the man who already proved millions of Americans right by delivering on his campaign promises during his first term.

Even more laughable is Clinton’s attempt to tie Trump to the so-called “Project 2025” — a plan he has repeatedly condemned and distanced himself from. But hey, who needs facts when you’re Hillary Clinton?

Russia Again? Kamala Harris in October?

Just when you thought Clinton’s imagination couldn’t get any wilder, she threw in a fresh conspiracy theory. During her interview, she warned that something ominous is coming for Vice President Kamala Harris — and, of course, it’ll be the Russians who are behind it.

“There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris,” she claimed, implying that the dark forces of Moscow are already preparing to strike in October. What, exactly, will happen? Clinton doesn’t know, but that hasn’t stopped her from spreading fear and paranoia.

It’s hard to take Clinton seriously when she conjures up these absurd scenarios without evidence. Her comments about Harris are the latest example of her obsession with Russia, a fixation that has defined her post-election persona.

Instead of addressing real political issues or the actual concerns of American voters, Clinton prefers to dwell in a world of imagined plots and foreign meddling. The irony is that while she warns of Russian disinformation, she’s doing a pretty good job of spreading misinformation herself.

The Trump Factor

Let’s not forget who this all comes back to: Donald J. Trump. Clinton’s obsession with the former president has reached new heights. She continues to vilify Trump, but here’s the reality she refuses to see — millions of Americans support him not because they’re blind to his flaws but because they believe he represents the best chance of standing up to the swamp.

And that includes the Clintons. Trump speaks to middle America in a way Clinton never could. While she hides behind a veneer of elite intellectualism, Trump connects with ordinary people who feel ignored and betrayed by Washington elites.

Hillary Clinton’s latest rant may make headlines in liberal circles, but the rest of the country isn’t buying it. Trump remains a formidable political force precisely because he exposes the hypocrisy of people like Clinton, who think they are above accountability.

A Woman Obsessed

Hillary Clinton’s constant need to reframe history is a desperate attempt to stay relevant in a political landscape that has moved on without her. As Trump continues to grow in popularity, Clinton sinks further into the shadows of irrelevance. And while she’s busy spinning new conspiracy theories, Trump is focused on the future — and it’s looking bright.

Clinton may want a “consistent narrative” about Trump, but the American people have a clear one about her. She lost, and no amount of historical rewriting will change that.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hillary Clinton keeps blaming others for her failed campaigns, refusing to accept responsibility.
  • She pushes baseless conspiracy theories, recently warning of a Russian plot against Kamala Harris.
  • Despite her attacks, Trump remains popular, resonating with voters, while Clinton fades into irrelevance.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.