After New Supreme Court Leaks, Report Claims Liberal Wing Is Causing Them
After New Supreme Court Leaks, Report Claims Liberal Wing Is Causing Them

The Supreme Court holds immense power in shaping the laws of the land. Its decisions impact every facet of American life, from individual liberties to the reach of government power.

But, for the Court to function effectively, its integrity must remain intact. When internal deliberations are exposed, it chips away at the institution’s credibility. Trust in the Court’s impartiality falters, and that, my friends, is a disaster for any democracy.

Leaks have become a growing concern for the Supreme Court. Whether it’s the infamous Dobbs leak in 2022 or this latest round of revelations, the damage runs deep. Exposing internal discussions undermines the very framework of judicial independence.

It plants seeds of doubt in the public’s mind, making it harder for the Court to maintain its authority. And let’s be real: a fractured Supreme Court is precisely what the left wants. Now, let’s dive into the latest bombshell.

From Daily Caller:
The latest leaks about the Supreme Court’s internal deliberations on three major cases involving former President Donald Trump could be coming from a high level member of the minority, former clerks and long time court observers told the Daily Caller News Foundation…

“This is another disturbing leak from the Court, and Congress should look into it because clearly a member of the minority is conspiring with the Left to destroy the Court,” JCN President Carrie Severino told the DCNF.

According to a report by the New York Times, internal memos from the justices have once again found their way to the public. This time, the leaks revolve around three major cases involving—you guessed it—Donald Trump. Former clerks and insiders are suggesting that someone from the Court’s minority wing is conspiring with the left to erode the legitimacy of the Court. Can you imagine? It’s like watching a bad spy movie unfold in realtime. But the consequences of this drama are far more serious.

Chief Justice John Roberts, it seems, has been a key player in the deliberations, with the leaks primarily targeting him. In Trump v. United States, a case that protects former presidents from prosecution for official acts taken while in office, Roberts apparently pushed for consensus. However, his efforts, especially in aligning with liberal justices, only make him a bigger target. The NYT paints a picture of a Court torn apart by ideological battles and fueled by internal strife.

And let’s not forget, this isn’t just about Trump. In Fischer v. United States, Roberts reportedly took over authoring the opinion from Justice Samuel Alito. That decision resulted in a ruling against the Department of Justice’s overreach in charging Jan. 6 defendants. So, if you were wondering why the left is so keen on tearing down Roberts, well, there’s your answer. They hate anyone who dares to stand up to their narrative.

The leaks don’t stop there. In the Trump v. Anderson case, which involved Trump’s removal from the Colorado ballot, Roberts apparently sought a unanimous opinion. While he sided with conservatives to uphold Trump’s right to run, his wish for a watered-down consensus shows the balancing act he’s trying to pull off. It’s almost as if Roberts is trying to keep the peace, but in doing so, he’s being vilified from all sides.

What makes these leaks even more disturbing is how systematic and thorough they are. Legal experts like Josh Blackman argue this is “far worse than the Dobbs leak.” The level of detail revealed suggests that these leaks are coming from high-level insiders with in-depth knowledge of the Court’s workings. Worse still, this comes after Roberts supposedly tightened security following the Dobbs leak. So much for that.

Supreme Court confidentiality has always been a cornerstone of its independence. Without it, justices can’t engage in open, honest discussions without fearing that their every word will be weaponized. This is the left’s new playbook—leak, smear, and delegitimize. By chipping away at the Court’s credibility, they hope to make it easier to stack the deck with justices who’ll play by their rules. As Manhattan Institute’s Ilya Shapiro points out, this is part of a broader campaign to “pressure justices” and undermine one of the last institutions still adhering to the rule of law.

This leak saga is far from over, and it’s clear that the left is gunning for the Supreme Court with everything they’ve got. The stakes are high, folks. If they succeed in breaking down this institution, what’s next?

Key Takeaways:

  • Leaks damage the Supreme Court’s credibility and integrity.
  • Chief Justice Roberts has become a central figure in these deliberations, targeted by both sides.
  • The left aims to delegitimize the Court to push its agenda, further dividing the nation.

Source: Daily Caller

September 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.