Trump Takes Down Biden in Surprise Win – Donald’s Staggering Announcement Is a Game-Changer
Trump Takes Down Biden in Surprise Win – Donald’s Staggering Announcement Is a Game-Changer

It seems the tide is turning against Joe Biden. The liberal establishment was all-in for Biden’s campaign just a year ago. Democrats refused to legitimize RJK’s campaign, forcing him to run as an independent.

But a series of polls reveal that Biden is losing to Trump in must-win states. Biden continues to show that he is suffering from some kind of age-related decline.

With just months before the election, it is unlikely Biden will score major legislative wins to give him a boost (that is especially true with the Supreme Court and Republican-controlled House blocking his agenda). Biden’s own supporters may be losing hope. Just as this is happening, Trump makes a big announcement.

From The Post Millennial:
Former President Donald Trump and the Republican party out-fundraised President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee by almost $25 million in April. On Monday, Team Biden said they raised over $51 million for the month, far below the $76 million that Trump and Republicans hauled in…

“The only people left in America who support Crooked Joe Biden are out-of-touch billionaires in Hollywood, and it turns out even they are done giving to a failing campaign.”

Trump outraised Biden by about $25 million during the month of April. The Trump campaign raised $76 million. Biden’s campaign raised $51 million, failing to meet or exceed Trump’s total.

This comes after Biden bragged about his fundraising hauls for months. The Biden campaign seemed to think that all the money rich donors poured into his pockets proved he was winning. Yet all that money has not helped Biden polish his tarnished reputation.

Americans are still watching millions of illegal aliens flood the country. They still can’t afford gas, cheeseburgers, or other basics. For all of Biden’s gaslighting, Americans are still suffering under his shocking lack of leadership. Meanwhile, Biden keeps pushing to give billions to Ukraine and Gaza.

Biden’s approval is worse than any president in the last 70 years. He is losing support among black and young voters. Even some labor unions are breaking from the left to support Trump.

It seems like Democrat donors are losing interest in dishing out millions for Biden—all for him to lose big time in November.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump raised about $25 million more than Biden in April.
  • This comes as Biden falls behind Trump in many swing state polls.
  • Democrat donors could fear Biden losing and are pulling support.

Source: The Post Millennial

May 21, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.