Biden Exposed in Stunning Missionary Failure – Joe’s Response to New Crisis Has Americans Furious
Biden Exposed in Stunning Missionary Failure – Joe’s Response to New Crisis Has Americans Furious

For several weeks, the world has watched as Haiti falls to a rampant gang war. The government struggles to defeat a massive army of criminals, who freed thousands of prisoners from jail.

It’s unknown what will happen to the nation, as the fighting only intensifies. President Biden and Democrats are already talking about taking in refugees, which could be as many as 40,000.

What is Biden’s plan to get those people out of Haiti? We don’t know, but it will surely cost taxpayers. But there is one group who has reached out to Biden’s State Department for rescue: American missionaries trapped in the country. This was Biden’s horrible response.

From Breitbart:
American missionaries trapped in Haiti pleaded for rescue on Tuesday, reporting constant gunfire around their hideaway and corpses rotting in the streets. The group’s leader said the only assistance they have received from the Biden administration was advice to “be safe.”…

“We’ve contacted agencies to extract us out. They have just said, ‘It’s way too dangerous where you are; you have to stay put,’” she told CBS News on Wednesday.

Jill Dolan and her family run Love A Neighbor, a missions organization that takes in orphans or children sold by their parents. The missionaries are currently trapped in Port-au-Prince, where fighting is at its worst.

They contacted U.S. agencies for help. But the Biden administration has refused to do anything to get them out of the country. Much like they did during the fall of Afghanistan, Biden’s government told Americans they were unwilling to do anything because it was “too dangerous.”

Private citizens spent their own money to charter flights out of Afghanistan. Despite Biden’s complaints about danger, they were able to fly Americans home. So, why is the President of the United States unwilling to help missionaries, whose lives are in danger?

No doubt, Biden will spend millions of U.S. tax dollars to fly tens of thousands of Haitians into our country. His State Department will deal with those same dangers, to welcome non-citizens onto U.S. soil. But he won’t lift a finger to get Americans out?

Key Takeaways:

  • Missionaries trapped in Haiti were told to “stay safe” by Biden’s State Department.
  • The U.S. government will not help them get out because of the gang war.
  • This comes as Biden and Democrats discuss welcoming at least 40,000 Haitian refugees.

Source: Breitbart

March 14, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.