Beloved Actor Makes Blood-Chilling Comment – The Liberal Just Lashed Out at American Moms
Beloved Actor Makes Blood-Chilling Comment – The Liberal Just Lashed Out at American Moms

LeVar Burton is known to generations of Americans for his work on Reading Rainbow. The actor recently revived the show, to bring the love of reading to the next generation.

Recently, he received an award from the National Book Awards. As expected, he was asked to give an acceptance speech.

He opened his remarks at the 74th National Book Awards, by asking about a particular group of moms. When he discovered none of them were in attendance, he made a comment that is alarming many.

From Breitbart:
“Before we get going, are there any Moms for Liberty in the house?” Burton asked, while the New York audience laughed. “Moms for Liberty? No? Good. Then hands will not need to be thrown tonight.”

Moms for Liberty’s stated mission is to “save America by unifying, educating, and empowering parents to defend their parental rights,” as Breitbart News reported.

While accepting an award from the National Book Awards, TV actor LeVar Burton took a moment to call out Moms for Liberty–a national organization focused on protecting parental rights. It appears the liberal actor wanted to insult the group–which seems to have done nothing to him.

After asking if anyone from that group was in attendance–probably knowing nobody from that group would have been invited to a blue-city event–he made what some are calling a threat of violence.

He said that “hands will not need to be thrown.” Throwing hands refers to physical violence, such as hitting and punching. For Burton, a man who is recognized by millions of American children, to be referring to an organization run by mothers in such a way, was seen as unacceptable by many.

Moms for Liberty issued a statement after he made the remarks.

Democrats have opposed measures by Republican lawmakers to protect “parental rights.” This often comes in the form of restricting content in schools which has been largely rejected by parents regardless of their politics.

Moms for Liberty opposes race-based curriculum, as well as LGBT-related content. It appears Democrats are strongly against attempts by parents to remove left-wing content from schools. Democrats have, in the past, experienced the view that the government, not parents, know what’s best for their children’s education.

Very few parents agree.

Key Takeaways:

  • Actor LeVar Burton called out Moms for Liberty while accepting an award.
  • He appeared to make a threat, saying “hands will not need to be thrown” at members of this group.
  • Democrats have attacked groups like MFL over their fight to remove woke curriculum from schools.

Source: Breitbart

November 17, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.