Biden Buddy Makes 1 Wild Claim – Guess What Dems Are Calling ‘Racist’ Now
Biden Buddy Makes 1 Wild Claim – Guess What Dems Are Calling ‘Racist’ Now

Democrats have a big problem on their hands, going into the 2024 Election. Since Biden’s taken over the White House, 7.2 million illegal aliens have entered the country.

They ignored the crisis for as long as they could. But now, there is no hiding the damning reality.

The overwhelming flood of migrants will radically transform our country—and not for the better. Already we’ve seen the toll many of these migrants have taken on cities and communities. But one Biden surrogate tried to defend the invaders. And he made this wild claim against anyone that points out migrants who break the law.

From The Post Millennial:
While campaigning for Joe Biden on Wednesday ahead of the president’s visit to the southern border, Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia took aim at those who have drawn attention to the number of, often violent, crimes recently committed by illegal immigrants…

“Immigrants actually commit fewer crimes than native-born people here in this country,” Garcia said on the press briefing call. “This immigrant crime narrative is racist. It’s not true.”

While defending criminal aliens, Democrat Biden supporter Robert Garcia accused Americans of racism for pointing out “immigrant crime.” He said this just days after an illegal immigrant—released from New York authorities after hurting a child—killed a college student in Georgia.

Garcia’s logic appears deeply flawed. Every alien who entered the country illegally is already breaking the law. That means, 100% of illegal aliens are lawbreakers.

But such an inconvenient fact will be ignored by Democrats, who appear to be encouraging illegal immigration for their own ends.

Others have pointed out that zero of the crimes committed by illegal aliens would happen if our immigration laws are being upheld. Every crime committed by an illegal is the result of Biden and Democrats neglecting the border and refusing to deport those caught by Border Patrol.

It seems Garcia is playing the “race card,” to intimidate Americans from openly stating the obvious. It is not racist to point out crime—and the horrible actions of people who should not be in the country in the first place.

But it seems Democrats refuse to see the obvious.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Biden surrogate accused people of “racism” for pointing out crimes done by illegal immigrants.
  • Rep. Robert Garcia claimed Americans commit more crimes than illegals.
  • In reality, every crime done by an illegal was preventable, had Biden upheld U.S. immigration law.

Source: The Post Millennial

March 1, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.