Biden Unloads 1 Pitiful Executive Order – And Experts Are Already Shredding It to Pieces
Biden Unloads 1 Pitiful Executive Order – And Experts Are Already Shredding It to Pieces

Since Biden entered the White House, he has contributed to the border crisis. He overturned President Trump’s measures to keep the border safe. Biden’s DHS has failed to follow immigration law, letting in illegal aliens. Biden has spent federal dollars moving migrants to all corners of the country.

Democrats have been trying to keep migrants around, giving them jobs. Biden even wants to provide them with government-issued IDs, which could be used to vote in some states.

From all appearances, Biden has encouraged illegal immigration. He’s let in nearly 8 million migrants. But with his election chances crumbling, he’s scrambling to “address” the crisis. Republicans were quick to put him in his place.

From Fox News:
President Biden is expected to announce executive actions on Tuesday to tackle the ongoing migration crisis at the southern border, as he faces significant political pressure from the left and the right, as well as from voters on the issue…

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., on Fox News Sunday said the reported action from Biden is “too little too late.” …

“We documented 64 specific executive actions of President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas of DHS took over the course of the last three and a half years beginning on the first day that President Biden took office to open the border. Why? They did it intentionally. And it has had catastrophic effects upon our country that we’ll be living with for decades to come,” he said.

Word is out that President Biden will sign an executive order to address the ongoing border crisis. You know, that crisis that has been raging for four years, yet he’s done nothing about until now? It is unclear what he’s actually going to do. We can be sure he won’t close the border entirely and order the 8 million outsiders to be deported.

Instead, he might set a cap on illegals that are let in, based on a 7-day “rolling average.” What the heck is that? Millions of illegals are competing with Americans for jobs, housing, medical care, and more—and Biden is playing games with “rolling averages”?

House Speaker Mike Johnson was in no way pleased. He called this news “too little, too late.” President Biden is watching his reelection chances dwindle, as Americans blame him for numerous crises. So, his handlers want to throw voters a bone with “action” on the border. But, chances are, it will be just as effective as when he gave away millions of barrels of oil to China to “lower” gas prices.

Key Takeaways:

  • President Biden is rumored to sign an order to address the border crisis.
  • Speaker Johnson is calling it “too little, too late.”
  • Under Biden, nearly 8 million illegal aliens have been allowed to stay in the U.S.

Source: Fox News

June 4, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.