After Joe Biden Makes ‘Denial’ Mistake – White House Gives 1 Very Bizarre Excuse
After Joe Biden Makes ‘Denial’ Mistake – White House Gives 1 Very Bizarre Excuse

Joe Biden screwed up again during a speech and his handlers were sent scrambling after his bumbling comment. The president just can’t seem to hold together through one full speech without sending his staff into a frenzy of covering for him.

The was another case of Biden making an outrageous claim and then his handlers making excuses for him. Basic facts seem to escape the president at key moments before the public.

Biden attempted to show off his stately oration during a campaign event in Virginia. He was accompanied by former commonwealth Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Biden tried to ramp up the crowd and instead exposed his mixed up mindset.

From Blaze Media:
At a campaign rally promoting abortion in the commonwealth, Biden stepped up to his lectern and said, “Hello, Virginia — and the real governor, Terry McAuliffe!”

His shrieking claim, that his staff tried to play off as a joke, was wrong on many levels. McAuliffe hasn’t been governor since he served from 2014 to 2018. The “real governor” of Virginia is Republican Glenn Youngkin. He has held the office since he was legitimately elected to the position in November 2021 and assumed office in January 2022.

Biden’s wild claim quickly went viral across social media. He was hit with the charge of “election denialism” that is often hurled at Republicans by Democrats trying to undermine their political opposition.

Biden’s faithful handlers in the White House tried to brush off his claim with a weird angle. A spokesperson said Biden was making a joke and noted that the president previously congratulated Youngkin on his successful run for governor.

The “it was a joke” excuse didn’t hold up to scrutiny. Biden clearly made the point that the “real governor” wasn’t in office and that he believed the “real governor” was the person who lost the election.

A Youngkin spokesman slammed the president and the lame excuses.

“There are only two options here: Either the president doesn’t know who is governor of Virginia right now, or he’s denying the results of Virginia’s 2021 election,” spokesman Rob Damschen said.

Neither of those interpretations look good for Biden, especially as his election denial claims are spreading across the media. The legitimate governor of Virginia had a message for Biden.

“Mr. President, I’m right here,” Youngkin responded.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden claimed from stage that the “real governor” of Virginia isn’t in office.
  • The sudden outburst was criticized as an example of Biden’s “election denialism.”
  • Biden’s team tried to play it off as a joke, but the truth about his comment isn’t humorous.

Source: Blaze Media

January 27, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.