Biden Slammed by Worst Election Report Yet – This Could Wreck His Entire 2024 Campaign
Biden Slammed by Worst Election Report Yet – This Could Wreck His Entire 2024 Campaign

The Biden campaign has run plenty of attacks on Donald Trump. They have claimed he is “out” of money. Biden even said Trump is “hiding in his basement.” Ironic, no? Biden continues personal attacks against the former president, while members of his party lead lawsuits aimed at draining Trump’s resources.

Meanwhile, Biden is struggling with tough reelection odds. The Democrat is losing support among many liberal-voting blocs.

And he continues to get bad news. His White House claims Biden is one the “most successful” presidents in our history. Yet, the American people don’t think so. And a new approval poll could tank his reelection ambitions.

From Breitbart:
Only 21 percent of voters “strongly” approved of President Joe Biden, while 49 percent “strongly” disapproved, a recent Rasmussen poll found, raising reelection concerns for the president.

Overall, the poll found a 20 point differential between voters who approved of Biden and those who did not:

39 percent approved

59 percent disapproved…

Throughout the summer of 2022 gas prices and inflation soared. While the rate of inflation decreased in 2024, costs continue to steadily climb and experts predict costs will not return to pre-Biden era norms. Today, a Big Mac burger, a medium beverage, and a medium fry meal cost 18 dollars in some locations, up $10 from 2018 when former President Donald Trump was president.

Biden’s approval rating is lower than it has been in a long time. Only 21 percent of voters “strongly” approve of the president. And a staggering 49% “strongly” disapprove of his performance.

Overall, there was a 20-point gap between Biden’s approval and disapproval. Thirty-nine percent approved while fifty-nine percent disapproved. This has been consistent with most approval polls since Biden entered office.

He only enjoyed relatively high approval in the first few months of his presidency. After the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, his approval saw a nosedive. It has never recovered, thanks to an incompetent administration, border crisis, rapid inflation, and fears of global war.

Other polls suggest Americans have more confidence in a Trump administration than a Biden. It seems voters are remembering that, under Trump, the economy was good. Americans could afford things like food and water. But under Biden, even the basics are too expensive.

Biden’s dream of forcing Americans to buy electric cars is as realistic as his walking a straight line. Rampant inflation has crippled American pocketbooks, as Biden’s millions and millions of migrants compete for wages.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s approval has dropped to 39% with only 21% strong approving.
  • Fifty-nine percent disapprove of Biden with 49% strongly disapproving.
  • This comes only months before the 2024 presidential election.

Source: Breitbart

April 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.