After Biden Drops Stunning Executive Order – Texas Governor Unleashes a Bold Response
After Biden Drops Stunning Executive Order – Texas Governor Unleashes a Bold Response

Joe Biden started playing fast and loose with his executive pen once he woke up and realized his political opponent was trouncing him in the polls. Startled from his sleep, Biden signed an executive order about the border crisis.

The president and his handlers failed to consider the backlash his sudden change in position would cause. Biden appears clueless about how his knee-jerk reactions designed to sway voters will actually hurt him in the eyes of the people.

Biden’s order, which is presented as helping the border crisis, was hammered by the Texas governor as a false front that doesn’t help at all. The top Texas Republican said he isn’t backing down from criticizing Biden’s border failures.

From the Daily Caller:
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott blasted President Joe Biden on Tuesday for his new executive order on the continual southern border crisis, labeling it as a way to gaslight Americans.

“The Biden administration can try to do whatever they want to try to do. Texas is not going to back off of what we’re doing to actually secure the border. We built a border wall, we’ve erected hundreds of miles of razor wire barrier,” Abbott stated.

“But know this, what Biden announced today is nothing more than gaslighting his fellow Americans, because there is nothing in the announcement today that actually shows any enforcement of any immigration law that denies illegal entry into the country,” Abbott said.

The governor presented statistics he said show illegal immigration increasing in California, Arizona, and New Mexico by more than 20%, while in Texas the numbers have dropped by about 74% “because of the resistance that we’ve put up.”

Biden’s order is designed to pause asylum requests after migrant numbers at the U.S.-Mexico border hit a daily average of 2,500 within a week. If the daily numbers fall back to 1,500, then requests can resume. This is essentially another border crisis shell game from Biden put forth by his team to gain headlines in an attempt to divert criticism over his massive border crisis failure.

Texas is in an ongoing legal battle with the Biden administration related to a state’s right to protect its border. Illegal border crossings skyrocketed under Biden’s rule, and the numbers of illegal immigrants have overwhelmed services in Texas and other states as the illegals flow into the country.

“What Biden did today was actually entice more people to come to our border, to increase illegal immigration — not to stop it,” Abbott said. “He’s not using any tool or strategy to deny illegal immigration.”

The governor said Biden could follow three legal strategies to stop the border crisis that has let in upwards of 10 million illegal immigrants during the president’s term. Abbott said Biden could use laws on the books to deny illegal entry, detain illegal immigrants who cross the border, and build border barriers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas governor blasted Joe Biden over the border, saying, “Texas is not going to back off.”
  • Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said Bide is “gaslighting” Americans with his executive order.
  • Biden’s order paused some asylum requests at the border, but Abbott said it’s a smokescreen.

Source: Daily Caller

June 7, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.