After being forced to step down from his campaign, Joe Biden has been a ghost for over a month. His party sunk his bid for a second term; seconds after he agreed to step down, they rushed to find his replacement. And the legacy media has been propping up Kamala Harris ever since, hoping voters will forget she’s just as much of a failure as Joe Biden.
But, the party decided to throw old Joe a bone by letting him give a speech on the first night of their convention. An event marred by anti-Semitic protests was supposed to be Biden’s moment to pass on the baton. He was slated to give his big speech in primetime. Instead, the party let Democrat after Democrat speech ahead of him. By the time Biden took the stage, it was past midnight.
From Daily Caller:
President Joe Biden took the Democratic National Convention stage well past his scheduled primetime slot to cap off a night meant to honor his legacy…Speculation swirled about how and why the president had been shoved aside to speak when many Americans would already be asleep.
“This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them — do they have to cut him out of prime time?” one longtime Biden aide texted Axios reporter Alex Thompson.
It’s pretty brutal if you ask me. A night meant to honor Joe’s “legacy” was co-opted by other Democrats, eager for the limelight. Biden was given the crumbs, a slot at a time when nobody would be watching. We shouldn’t be surprised. After all, they forced out Biden because he’s been a failure. Why would they give him ample time to remind Americans how badly he’s performed? Or how did this party let an impaired man ruin the country for four years?
It only got worse from there. Biden tried to prop up his rapidly fading “accomplishments,” making wild claims during his speech. This speech was meant to salvage his administration so Harris wouldn’t have to carry that baggage into November. But fact-checkers were on hand to blast Joe’s bogus claims.
From Breitbart:
CLAIM: “Creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for American workers, including the IBEW installing 500,000—500,000—charging stations all across America.”VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. They built eight, as of May.
It seems Biden has resorted to just lying. During his speech, he claimed his administration built 500,000 charging stations for electric cars. In reality, he has built only eight. That’s… just pathetic. But Biden and his party never let facts get in the way of their deceptions.
Biden is trying to rewrite history to avoid an electoral disaster in November. However, Harris has more significant problems than just Biden’s failed green agenda. Progressives are hell-bent on punishing Democrats for supporting Israel in the aftermath of the October 7th terror attacks.
Massive protests and riots are going on in Chicago by far-left progressives demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Biden has been enemy number one for this group. Harris has to win them back. So, they had Biden flip his stance to pander to this group of America and Israel-hating socialists.
From Breitbart:
President Joe Biden told the Democratic National Convention on Monday evening that the pro-Palestinian protesters “on the street” outside — who included supporters of Hamas, and who shouted antisemitic slogans — “have a point.”
Democrats are now literally pandering to anti-Semites and pro-Hamas protesters. This is shameful, especially for Biden—who historically was a strong supporter of the nation of Israel. For him to now signal support for Israel-haters is the final nail in his legacy’s coffin. It didn’t seem he was all that happy with how he was treated, though.
The Democrat Party is shoving Joe out the door, forcing him to go back on his own stances to salvage Harris’s campaign. That’s how this party treats one of their longest-serving members?
Key Takeaways:
- Biden’s DNC speech was marred by false claims and approval of anti-Israel protesters.
- The party shoved his time slot from prime time to after midnight.
- Biden falsely claimed that he built 500,000 EV chargers; he’s only built eight.
Source: Daily Caller, Breitbart, Breitbart