Biden Just Got Caught on Live TV – Everyone Notices What Joe’s Holding in His Hand
Biden Just Got Caught on Live TV – Everyone Notices What Joe’s Holding in His Hand

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden may be failing on almost every policy his name is stamped on, but he is doing a nice job of dancing to the tune of those handling his presidency for him. Fellow liberals keep praising him for the wonderful job he’s doing while he continues to slip and reveal the truth about his shortcomings.

This is the guy who trips going up the stairs, falls on stage during speeches, calls key members of his administration by the wrong name, forgets what he was saying in mid-sentence, and is someone who almost forgot how to ride a bike. He needs a teleprompter to stay on track for every speech and now he’s been caught with a “ready reader” like an elementary school student giving a presentation.

Fox News:
President Biden was apparently caught once again using a cheat sheet of reporters after a picture of him holding a note card with their images went viral.

Biden was once again on the world stage in a press conference with the Australian prime minister when they took questions from reporters – two from each of their countries. The presser was rigged with Biden’s handlers dictating which reporters would pitch their softball questions. All Biden had to do was look at the pictures, call out a name, and point to the gaggle of reporters.

Biden’s cheat sheet wasn’t noticed at the time, but just a day later an image from the press conference began circulating online that appeared to show the president carrying a note card with the reporters’ names and faces. The administration-friendly reporters were from USA Today, PBS, and two Australian news outlets.

PBS correspondent Laura Barrón-López apparently didn’t get the White House staff memo about softball questions and had a livelier exchange with Biden about Hamas. That likely sent White House handlers into a tizzy.

How is it that the most powerful leader in the free world must have a cheat sheet with photos and names, and sometimes incoming questions, noted for him? Fox News asked the White House and the four hand-picked reporters to respond regarding the setup, but as expected there was no comment.

Biden’s need for help with press conferences extends back to his first formal press conference as president in March 2021. He was seen holding a card with statistics and talking points to handle the presser. This pattern of someone else preparing cheat sheets appears to be the norm for the president going forward.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden is having troubling keeping hidden his pre-prepared cheat sheets.
  • An image from an Australian press conference caught Biden with the goods.
  • The leader of the free world has been using note cards since his first presser.

Source: Fox News

October 27, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.