President Biden Blindsided by “Nuclear” Hammer – They’re All Comparing Him to 1 Former President
President Biden Blindsided by “Nuclear” Hammer – They’re All Comparing Him to 1 Former President

Federal prosecutors have indicted President Biden’s son, Hunter, on nine tax-related charges. The news has stunned some commentators, who assumed the special council would go easy on the man.

Instead, the indictment reveals Hunter allegedly wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on illicit content.

The case could land Hunter in jail. And now, experts are revealing how President Biden’s constant denial of his involvement in his son’s affairs could trap him, just like Bill Clinton.

From Fox News:
After a California grand jury handed down an indictment of first son Hunter Biden, political analysts predicted the bombshell would put President Biden in a self-constructed “trap” after he again claimed allegations he was in influence-peddling cahoots with his brother and son were “lies.”…

“I mean, basically [Biden is] saying, ‘I did not have interactions with those people,'” Turley said.

“It didn’t work for Clinton. And it’s even more insulting here,” he added, pointing to polling showing a majority of Americans, including a swath of Democrats, don’t believe Biden on this front.

As more and more evidence came out regarding Hunter’s alleged crimes, Joe Biden has continued to claim he was not connected with them in any way. President Biden has refused to comment on accusations by Republicans that he conducted a bribery ring with his family, simply saying they are “lies.”

Yet with Hunter being indicted on serious tax charges, some worry that Biden could end up trapped like Bill Clinton.

During the intern scandal at the end of his presidency, Bill Clinton flatly told the American people, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” There was no wiggle room in that statement, which ended up being disproven by Lewinsky’s own claims and investigators’ findings.

Now, it is possible Biden is putting himself in a worse trap. Clinton’s scandal involved an inappropriate relationship with one intern. But, if true, Biden’s involves bribes from China, Ukraine, and other foreign countries–as well as possible human trafficking and other crimes.

Biden has refused to admit any connection with his son’s dealings. But Republicans appear to be providing evidence that suggests Biden was more than just familiar with what Hunter was doing. Because Biden keeps denying it, experts claim Democrats might seek “an off ramp” from the Biden ticket.

Key Takeaways:

  • Experts warn that Biden might be trapping himself, as Bill Clinton did in the 90s.
  • Clinton flatly denied he had an affair with Lewinsky; he was outed for that lie.
  • Biden has denied involvement in his son’s activity, but evidence could disprove that.

Source: Fox News

December 8, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.