Biden Has Spent Over 40% of His Presidency on Vacation – “Who Is Running the Country?”
Biden Has Spent Over 40% of His Presidency on Vacation – “Who Is Running the Country?”

During the four years that Joe Biden has been in office, America has descended into complete chaos. The economy is in shambles, and inflation continues to skyrocket.

Our border is being invaded by millions of illegal aliens, and crime in many states is spiking. Indeed, millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table in Biden’s America.

Meanwhile, Biden has done virtually nothing to fix the many issues that are plaguing this country. Instead, he’s seemingly taken vacation after vacation. This has left many wondering who is really pulling the strings when it comes to running this nation.

Now, it’s been confirmed one and for all that, Biden has spent a huge chunk of his presidency on vacation. Indeed, this statistic just goes to show where Biden’s priorities really are

From Breitbart News:
In a social media post on August 31, the Republican National Committee (RNC) Research shared a video of Biden lounging on a chair at the beach. He appeared to be talking on the phone as beachgoers walked past:

“Biden spent today — his 16th straight day on vacation — lounging on the beach. He has spent a total of 532 days (40.3% of his presidency) on vacation. Who’s running the country?” the post read.

Social media users were quick to share their thoughts on the report, one person writing, “Same people running it when he isn’t on vacation.”

“This guy is TOO MUCH. He’s not running the show. He’s spending his time WASTING AWAY while America is suffering,” another user commented.

It should be noted that Biden’s vacation time greatly surpasses those of the presidents who have come before him.

From The Economic Times:
Former President Donald Trump spent about 26% of his presidency on personal trips, while Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama took vacations during approximately 11% of their two-term presidencies. Jimmy Carter, in his single term, took only 79 days off.

This Statistic Says Everything About Biden’s Presidency

If Trump had taken even close to as many vacations during his presidency as Biden has, the mainstream media would have been up in arms about it on a daily basis. Since it’s Biden who is spending our tax dollars on seemingly endless vacations, however, the media is giving him a free pass.

Even the most devoted of Democrats can’t deny that our country has faced crisis after crisis during Biden’s time in office. If Biden really cared about improving things in America, he would have taken as few vacations as possible and instead devoted himself to his job. The fact that Biden was so comfortable taking this many vacations at this tumultuous time in American history shows just what a terrible leader he really is.

Biden being on vacation for so much of his presidency also clearly indicates that he is not the person who is actually running this country. Rather, it’s clear that there is either one person or a group of people pulling the strings behind the scenes. It’s nothing short of terrifying that the American people are now in a position where we have no idea who is actually running the show in our own country.

Democrats are constantly claiming that Donald Trump and his supporters pose a threat to democracy. If Democrats really do have Biden installed as a figurehead while someone else runs this country behind the scenes, however, then they are the ones who are really usurping democracy.

In the end, Biden’s vacation statistic says it all when it comes to what kind of president he’s been. No wonder he’ll go down in history as one of the worst presidents of all time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden has been on vacation for 532 days in the past four years.
  • This means Biden has spent 40.3% of his presidency on vacation.
  • This indicates that Biden is not the person running this country.

Source: Breitbart, The Economic Times

September 9, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!