What’s Happening:
Back during his State of the Union address in 2022, Joe Biden made the vow to “end cancer.” Biden had previously overseen programs that sought a cure for the horrible disease. B
ut now, he is saying that his White House would be devoted to finding a cure. He even created an initiative called Cancer Moonshot to that effect.
So, how’s he been doing? Well, just like all his other goals, Biden’s been failing. Last time I checked, people are still dying of cancer every day. We are no closer to curing cancer than we were when Biden took office (we might be further away, thanks to this imbecile).
Then, why did Biden just make this radical claim? From The Post Millennial:
President Joe Biden spoke to reporters on Tuesday and claimed to have ended cancer once and for all.
“If you could do anything at all Joe, what would you do?” Biden hypothetically asked. He then said, “I said I’d cure cancer, and they looked at me like ‘why cancer?’ Because nobody thinks we can. That’s why, and we can. We ended cancer as we know it!”
What the heck? Joe Biden claimed that his administration “ended cancer as we know it.” What is he talking about? We know that Joe Biden’s losing his mind, but this is really beyond the pale. For years, we’ve commented on his gaffes and flubs.
We’ve pointed out how he often messes up his pre-written speeches or confuses dates or names. But why on earth is he making the claim that he ended cancer? There’s never been a single report from the White House that they’ve even helped fund a new treatment.
How are Democrats going to spin that? Are they really going to go out of their way to pretend like Biden is right? They keep acting like the emperor has clothes when he’s naked. Maybe KJP will actually come out and say cancer no longer exists!
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised. You’ll have Democrats walking around, dying of cancer, pretending like they aren’t even sick.
The left has already ruined the medical industry beyond repair, thanks to their disinformation during COVID. Why not ruin cancer treatment?
In the same speech, Biden claimed that “100” people died of COVID. Okay, so he’s totally lost his might, right? He has no clue what he’s saying. He’s lost all grip on reality.
Can Democrats finally admit Joe’s off his rocker and find someone else? This is beyond embarrassing. This is totally unacceptable.
Key Takeaways:
- Joe Biden made the wild claim that he “ended cancer as we know it.”
- There is zero evidence his administration has done anything to improve cancer treatment.
- Biden’s gaffes and outright lies only grow worse with each passing day.
Source: The Post Millennial