Biden Suffers 1 Epic Humiliation – Democrats Can’t Believe This Historic Snub
Biden Suffers 1 Epic Humiliation – Democrats Can’t Believe This Historic Snub

The mainstream media is often considered the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. No matter how badly Democrats perform, they can count on liberal outlets to prop up their image. That is certainly true in an election year, where a Democrat president needs all the help he can get.

But Joe Biden hasn’t always been able to count on the media running interference for his administration. Biden’s policies have been such a failure, not even the media can save him.

This year, a well-known magazine is releasing a famous issue. This issue enshrines people who have been instrumental in our country. But, at a time when Biden is desperate for good press, they did this to him.

From Fox News:
President Biden didn’t make TIME Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” list for 2024 after receiving the annual honor for the past three years of his presidency.

Former President Trump did not make the list either this election year. Both presidential candidates previously appeared on the 2020 edition of the annual list, however.

Vice President Kamala Harris was similarly absent from this year’s list, which was published on Wednesday and included leaders, artists, entrepreneurs, athletes, activists and politicians. Both Biden and Harris did pen tributes to honor other figures on the list.

Although Time wanted Biden to write tributes for other people, it did not list Joe Biden as one of their “100 Most Influential People” of this year. It is likely the White House lobbied for Joe to appear on this list. But since losing the House in 2022, Biden has lacked any meaningful legislative wins.

Nor has he done much of anything Democrats can honestly (or dishonestly) point to as a success.

Biden is suffering from very low approval ratings. His campaign has been rankled by polls showing him losing support. Black voters, young voters, and Hispanic voters are turning on Biden. Swing states appear to be breaking away from him.

Add to that the many crises that have plagued Biden, most notably the border crisis, inflation, and wars overseas. Americans appear to be fearing larger global conflict, on Biden’s watch. He continues to throw money at wars that are unpopular with Americans.

Time magazine might have felt it was inappropriate to claim Biden was “influential” when he was not. Even in past years, this distinction was questionable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Time magazine left Biden off its yearly “100 Most Influential” people.
  • Biden was given this distinction in prior years of his presidency.
  • The president is suffering poor approval and bad polling.

Source: Fox News

April 19, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.