After Biden Tries To Spin Dropping Out on Live TV, Patriots Quickly Respond
After Biden Tries To Spin Dropping Out on Live TV, Patriots Quickly Respond

For nearly four years, Americans have said Biden is too impaired to be president. Democrats and the media ignored us, claiming we were “conspiracy theorists.” But Joe’s disastrous debate with Trump in June opened the eyes of the party’s big donors. Pressure exploded against Biden to quit the race, as they knew he was going to be decimated by Donald Trump.

Biden and his family ignored calls for nearly a month. His campaign was convinced he would defeat Trump in November.

Then, suddenly, Biden releases a letter that tells the world that he would not seek a second term “for the good of his party and country.” No other explanation was given for this historic move. This week, Biden gave a stiff, uninspired address to the country. Once again, he ignored what we all know: that he is too sick to be president. Instead, he invented new lies about his “legacy” and why he isn’t running for a second term.

From The Post Millennial:
President Joe Biden gave a prime time speech from the Oval Office on Wednesday… he spoke about the legacy of the presidency, said the loved the office, and then explained why he was stepping down from the campaign and handing the reigns to his VP Kamala Harris. “The defense of democracy, which is at stake, is more important than any title,” he said…

He stumbled over his words before addressing the necessity of “character in public life.” Biden spoke about the need to “unite to protect” democracy and said the he left the race to “unite” his party. “In recent weeks,” he said, “it’s become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor. I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future, all merited a second term.”

White-Washing the Truth

Biden explained his sudden decision to end his 2024 campaign during an address to the nation. He claimed he was stepping aside to “unite” the Democratic Party. His claims seemed to suggest that Biden thinks Kamala Harris is the right person to defeat Donald Trump. That’s not what he was saying literally a week ago! As if any of us believe what he was saying, when we can see with our eyes why the man is dropping out.

The Democrats are once again trying to gaslight America. For weeks, top Democrats have said Biden’s too impaired to run. For years, Americans have said the same thing. But now we’re supposed to believe he’s stepping down because Harris is the better choice?

A Legacy of Failure

Biden will not step down from office, but intends to finish his first term. During his remarks, he claimed his administration was a wild success. If that was the case, why isn’t he running for a second term? Biden is again trying to ignore the reality that his presidency has been a total failure. Everything his administration touched crumbled. From the border to inflation to crime to international affairs, Biden has been a disaster.

Yet, he thinks his protégé, Kamala, who cheered on this legacy of failure, is up for the job of running the country on her own. Plenty of people commented on Biden’s false remarks. And they were not going to let him pull the wool over their eyes.

From Fox News:
Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume reacted to the roughly 11-minute address, saying he doesn’t quite buy Biden’s reasoning for dropping out of the presidential race.

“To hear the president tell it, he was fine with running for re-election, thought he could win the race and serve for four more years until sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning, when it dawned on him, apparently, that it was time for a new generation of leaders,” Hume said.

Brit Hume, among many other commentators, was pointing out the glaring logical flaws in Biden’s claim. Joe said he would do an amazing job in his second term… yet wants to step aside for a “new generation?” Smells like horse crap to most of us paying attention.

Users online were equally unimpressed with Biden’s claims.


Democrats are scrambling to create a narrative that ignores what everyone’s been saying for a long time. Biden failed as president and is suffering cognitive decline. He in no way would win against Donald Trump. The only person dumb enough to run against Trump now is Biden’s equally pathetic vice president. Democrats are rushing to save face, so that—maybe—in four years they’ll have a candidate that can return to the White House.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden made numerous false claims about why he was dropping out of the 2024 race.
  • The president praised his first term but said he was “uniting” his party.
  • Biden claimed he wanted a new generation to take over.
  • Commentators, including Brit Hume and Ben Shapiro, ripped Biden’s empty words apart.

Source: The Post Millennial, Fox News

July 25, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.