Biden Finally Reveals the Dirty Truth – This Is What Joe Wanted All Along for Illegals
Biden Finally Reveals the Dirty Truth – This Is What Joe Wanted All Along for Illegals

Recently, Elon Musk accused President Biden and Democrats of wanting the border crisis. He claimed that Democrats allowed over 6 million illegal aliens, so that they can give them amnesty and use them to establish a “one-party state.”

Plenty of people criticized Musk’s claims. As usual, they called him and others who agreed “conspiracy theorists.”

Now, Musk’s critics might be rethinking their attacks, after what President Biden just said. As the border remains open, with millions of outsiders invading, he made this demand. And it seems to be proving Musk right.

From Daily Wire:
President Joe Biden demanded on Tuesday that the illegal aliens already in the United States, including the millions who have entered during his administration, be given a pathway to citizenship so they can become Americans…

“For example, we still need a path for — of documentation for those who are already here. And we’re not walking away from true immigration reform, including permanent protections and a pathway to citizenship for young DREAMers who came here when they were children and who have been good citizens and contribute so much to our country.”

During remarks at the White House, President Biden demanded citizenship for illegals who “are already ready here.” That would include the estimated 11 million undocumented migrants living in the U.S. for years—and the 6 million plus that Biden has let in under his administration.

Biden’s demands seem to confirm claims that Democrats are using the border crisis to manipulate America’s democracy. Should Biden suddenly give millions of illegals citizenship, they would be able to vote in U.S. elections.

And it would be naive to think these migrants wouldn’t be indebted to Democrats for giving them this free pass—and vote for them.

Biden went on to blame Donald Trump for the current border crisis. This claim has been heavily attacked by Biden’s critics. Under President Trump, the border was much more under control. It was Joe Biden to ended Trump’s policies and has continued to encourage illegal entry.

The Democrat is both twisting the facts while openly admitting his plans to erode the country’s democratic process.

Key Takeaways:

  • President Biden demanded citizenship for the millions of illegal aliens he’s allowed in.
  • This comes after Elon Musk claimed Democrats want the border crisis, to give illegals the right to vote.
  • Biden also blamed Donald Trump for the current border crisis, which began after Trump left office.

Source: Daily Wire

February 7, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.