Biden Video’s Secrets Just Got Exposed – 2 Hidden Details Cause Major Uproar
Biden Video’s Secrets Just Got Exposed – 2 Hidden Details Cause Major Uproar

It’s safe to say most Americans are no longer on board with Biden’s ongoing support for Ukraine’s war with Russia. The country has spent over $100 billion bankrolling the conflict. Yet we’ve rarely heard from the president or his aids on what their plan is to end the fighting.

Despite this, Biden appears to think this is the country’s top priority. He is putting NATO alliances and foreign wars ahead of big problems in the United States.

President Biden just posted a video pushing for more money to be sent to the military-industrial complex—I mean, Ukraine. Yet this two-minute video has raised plenty of eyebrows. And it might not accomplish what the warmongers working for Biden wanted.

From The Blaze:
First, the video, which includes an on-screen caption of Biden’s words, contains several spelling errors. The word “strength” is misspelled. Navalny’s first name is misspelled. And, at one point, the caption completely omits one of Biden’s words.

Second, the video contains numerous edits — more than two dozen, in fact. Moreover, Biden does not appear to speak for more than six seconds at a time without a cut.

Users online pointed out that there were 28 cuts in Biden’s short video. People with video production experience said there normally are only 5-6 cuts in a video this length. It seems people are wondering why the White House needed to make so many cuts in this video.

Others pointed out that Biden only speaks for a few seconds before another cut. This could suggest that the White House had to make those cuts, to hide Biden’s blunders. When Biden speaks publically, he is rarely able to make it through remarks without fumbling.

Biden often appears confused, tired, and irritated when speaking. Even in this video, he is squinting like Mr. Magoo. Even liberals comment on the many gaffes and flubs by Biden, including forgetting basic details or slurring his words.

The video’s transcript also had several obvious spelling errors, something embarrassing to the administration. It is possible they used software to automatically transcribe Biden’s words, but the few slurred ones confused the app.

Or, the intern who put this video together was too sloppy to go back and check.

Many voters are worried about Biden’s age and mental ability. This oddly edited video might add more fuel to that fire.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden posted a video attacking Republicans and demanding more money for war.
  • Users commented on the video’s lack of spell-checking and many edits.
  • The many edits suggest the Whtie House had to edit out Biden’s many blunders.

Source: The Blaze

February 23, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.