Biden Humiliates Himself on the World Stage – His Pet Project Just Suffered 1 Absolute Failure
Biden Humiliates Himself on the World Stage – His Pet Project Just Suffered 1 Absolute Failure

Joe Biden shocked Americans when he pledged $320 million to build a floating pier off the coast of Gaza. This was his brilliant plan to shuttle relief supplies to the war-torn region. While he paused aid to Israel, he was ramping up spending for an area controlled by terrorists.

Very quickly, Biden’s plan collapsed. Apparently, Biden’s Pentagon didn’t account for choppy waters, and the pier broke apart.

How much money it took to repair the pier is still being determined. However, the military eventually repaired it to allow more supplies to enter the region (despite much of the supplies never reaching the UN warehouses). Now, Biden’s plan has all but fallen apart.

From Daily Caller:
The United Nations (UN) World Food Program (WFP) said Sunday it was suspending aid deliveries from the Biden administration’s floating pier in Gaza.

The WFP cited safety concerns on the ground in Gaza as the reason it was halting deliveries from the pier, the Associated Press reported. The pier had only been operational for roughly two days before the WFP announced its decision, after weather damage broke it apart and temporarily took it out of commission.

The UN’s World Food Program announced suspending deliveries to Gaza using Biden’s floating pier. The program announced it was too dangerous to deliver supplies in a war-torn part of the world. This was only two days after Biden scrambled to repair the broken pier.

The WFP reported that much of the aid never reached its warehouses. The trucks had been looted before they could offload the expensive supplies. It is unknown who took the supplies or where they ended up. It is safe to say, however, that Hamas had a hand in that.

Biden has failed again and again during the Israel-Hamas conflict. He is losing support among progressives over his previous support for Israel. In recent months, he appears to have started to turn on Israel to pander to progressives. Yet his attempts to help Gaza have fallen flat.

This floating pier is a perfect example of the Biden administration. This White House rushes to implement a half-baked idea. They fail and scramble to patch up their mistake, ultimately doing more damage than good.

Sadly, this administration has been unable to learn from those mistakes. It seems Biden and his staff are just getting worse and worse.

Key Takeaways:

  • The UN announced suspending shipments to Gaza via Biden’s floating pier.
  • This came just two days after the Pentagon repaired the pier.
  • Waves had destroyed Biden’s pier; it cost at least $320 million.

Source: Daily Caller

June 10, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.