Blue State Gov Caught in Stunning Scandal – She’s Accused of 1 Disturbingly Corrupt Act
Blue State Gov Caught in Stunning Scandal – She’s Accused of 1 Disturbingly Corrupt Act

The picking of a judge to serve on a Supreme Court is no small matter. That’s true even for state Supreme Courts, which rule on state laws. How a court rules could have an effect on every resident of that state.

But in one blue state is embroiled in controversy, over the governor’s recent decision.

Like a president, a state governor is often tasked with nominating potential court judges. This governor repeatedly claimed her pick was “qualified.” But a secret is tumbling out—and people are demanding answers.

From Daily Wire:
Massachusetts Democratic Governor Maura Healey tapped a woman she was romantically involved with for multiple years to serve on the state’s Supreme Judicial Court.

On Wednesday, Healey officially nominated Massachusetts Appeals Court Associate Justice Gabrielle Wolohojian, who has served on the appeals court since 2008, CBS News reported. The two had previously shared a home and first went public with their relationship in 2013 when Healey ran for attorney general.

It seems Democrats no longer have shame over their scandalous decisions. Despite the obvious conflict of interest, Gov. Healey of Massachusetts nominated a woman for the state Supreme Court, with whom she once had a romantic relationship.

This wasn’t just a passing fling. The two women shared a home and went public with their lesbian relationship in 2013. From all appearances, they had a long-term relationship. Had they been together today, they might have married.

Yet Healey does not expect anyone to accuse her of a conflict of interest in nominating a former lover to the highest court in the state.

Elected officials are supposed to be above reproach. Yet time and again, we see officials using their power for their personal gain. Be it a Georgia prosecutor higher her partner and paying a high salary, to a vice president’s son getting huge investments from a country his father is working with, to a governor nominating her former love to the state Supreme Court.

These kinds of “coincidental” occurrences happen all the time with Democrats. Too often for anyone to think they are not intentional. It seems some Democrats think public service is just a means to an end: their wealth and advancement.

But the people of Massachusetts should not tolerate such seemingly corrupt actions from their governor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrat governor of Massachusetts has nominated her former lover to the state Supreme Court.
  • The two women were in a long-term relationship and even lived together.
  • The governor refuses to acknowledge the obvious conflict of interest in nominating a former lover.

Source: Daily Wire

February 8, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.