California Forces Their Judges to Do 1 Thing – And It’s the Ultimate Woke Order
California Forces Their Judges to Do 1 Thing – And It’s the Ultimate Woke Order

California has become ground zero for the destruction of American culture and the rule of law. Leftist political leaders in the state have attacked everything that stands for a united republic.

Leftist California elites and lawmakers have been ingenious in undermining the constitution and promoting their radical cultural and legal ideology. This may anger conservatives, but these leftists are winning the cultural war because they know how to manipulate the political and legal systems.

At the heart of leftist methodology to control people is the attack on parents and their rights in raising their children. California leftists have now forced the legal system to oppress parents that don’t bow to the demands of leftist ideology.

From the Daily Caller:
Judges who handle child abuse and neglect cases in California are required to take a training on LGBT issues that pushes them to consider whether parents who object to their child’s preferred pronouns should have custody.

The state legislature amended the law to require dependency judges to complete training in “cultural competency and sensitivity relating to, and best practices for, providing adequate care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth” in 2013.

The forced training advises judges to “be aware that LGBTQ youth may be at risk of harm at home, school and in other settings due to biased or uninformed attitudes or conduct by peers/adults.” The training warns judges to stay alert for “physical or emotional abuse” from parents who don’t have a “clear reason” for objecting to LGBTQ considerations.

Parents who voice religious objections to the use of pronouns should be challenged, the training claims. This includes parents who have been cleared of alcohol abuse, maintain a job, and acquired stable housing.

The training lists five actions judges can take: “conduct hearings in a trauma-informed manner,” “consider visible indicators that are in the courtroom,” “use the name and gender of the youth they request,” “insist the Department use their requested name and gender” and “be kind.”

Organizations that have reviewed this training voiced concern over how this is undermining parental rights, free speech, and religious freedom. Kate Anderson, senior counsel and director of the Center for Parental Rights at the Alliance Defending Freedom, said judges need accurate information regarding laws in these youth and family cases.

“It is deeply concerning that groups that actively advocate against these important rights elsewhere are providing training to judges behind closed doors,” Anderson said.

Parents and voters should take note of the California forced training and similar instruction given to judges in Ohio and Indiana. Judges in multiple states, including Red states, are required to take training that affirm and promote LGBTQ considerations.

Key Takeaways:

  • California lawmakers forced judges to take “LGBTQ+ Considerations” for custody cases.
  • Parents who don’t abide by a law promoting leftist ideals could lose their children.
  • Opponents said the law undermines parental rights, free speech, and religious freedom.

Source: Daily Caller

March 28, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.