Congress Unloads Terrifying New Report – Nation’s Biggest Crisis Will Have 1 Catastrophic Effect
Congress Unloads Terrifying New Report – Nation’s Biggest Crisis Will Have 1 Catastrophic Effect

It’s no secret that the border crisis will fundamentally change the United States. Under President Biden, over six million illegal aliens have entered the country in just 3 years. Evidence has long suggested that illegal immigration hurts black and working Americans more than anyone else.

Despite all the warning signs, President Biden appears unwilling to use the authority he already has to shut down the border.

A bi-partisan study from Congress took a look at the toll this border crisis will have on the country. They looked at a variety of factors, including how it will affect many American families. And they made this sobering prediction.

From Breitbart:
President Joe Biden’s flood of migrants will force down Americans’ wages over the next 10 years, says a report by the Congress’ non-partisan team of economic experts.

The Congressional Budget Office “estimates that [Biden’s] increase in population will put downward pressure on average real wages [emphasis added],” said the report, which was released on February 7. “Average real wages are expected to be slightly lower by 2034 [emphasis added] than they would be otherwise,” the report said.

A new report from the CBO revealed that the border crisis that erupted under Biden will hurt Americans’ wages over the next ten years. As more and more undocumented workers come into the country, companies will hire them over qualified Americans.

That is because aliens are willing to work for far less and do not pay taxes. Yet they can buy homes, cars, and other products, posing greater competition for Americans. Because companies will prefer to hire these workers, Americans will have to settle for much lower wages than they would have received, if they want to work at all.

Not only this, but the massive burden these migrants put on many communities forces government funds to be diverted away from helping Americans to accommodate migrants.

Already big cities are demanding billions from the federal government to house, feed, and clothe the many illegals that are coming in. Money that would have gone to infrastructure, education, and other needs will be spent taking care of illegal aliens.

And that’s only for starters. Americans have nothing to gain from an open border. Only big corporations, and politicians, will benefit from this crisis. This non-partisan team crunched the numbers. Yet it is unlikely anything will change soon.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Congressional Budget Office predicted Biden’s border crisis will impact American wages for the next ten years.
  • The many illegals that are entering the country will take American jobs, forcing Americans to accept lower wages.
  • Migrants also compete for the same housing, products, health care, and education as Americans.

Source: Breitbart

February 9, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.