Democrats are still in shock after Donald Trump handily defeated Kamala Harris in the presidential election. Not only did Trump trounce Harris with the Electoral College, he also came out on top in the popular vote.
On top of winning the presidency, Republicans won the Senate. At the time of this writing, they are on track to take the House as well.
One week later, Democrats are struggling to figure out what exactly went wrong. Julian Epstein, the former chief counsel to Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, is speaking out to give them a clue as to how they lost this election.
Epstein went on MSNBC on Monday to sound the alarm that in this election, working-class voters united across racial lines to “reject not just the Democratic Party, but the entire professional elite.”
From Fox News:
“It was the Democrats, it was billions of dollars, it was the mainstream news media, it was Hollywood, it was Wall Street and Silicon Valley, it was the universities. It was sort of every mainstream professional elite that had become the left,” Epstein said.He added that one of the biggest examples of how “out of touch” Democrats had become was the electric vehicle (EV) mandate and its impact on the auto industry and working-class Americans’ jobs.
“You look at the auto number, you look at the losses in the auto industry because of the EV mandates, and it’s extraordinary,” he told “One Nation” host Brian Kilmeade.
Referendum on the Democrat Party
Indeed, this was a referendum of the entire Democratic Party.
Under the Biden-Harris regime, the economy went to shambles, and inflation skyrocketed. Millions of illegal aliens flooded our borders. Meanwhile, millions of real Americans were left struggling just to put food on the table. In many parts of the country, crime got out of control, endangering the lives of countless American voters.
As all this was happening, President Joe Biden and his Vice President Harris were far more focused on woke policies than they were on actually fixing the many issues our country has been facing.
Harris bizarrely attempted to run a campaign based on “change.” However, voters saw right through it. Since Harris is in the current administration, her presidency likely would have been more of the same as how things are now. America as a nation simply could not afford for that to happen. That’s why we voted for real “change” in the form of Trump.
After the election, it was found that Trump made major gains with Black and Hispanic voters. Epstein explained that Republicans have “stolen” the “real estate” that Democrats had secured for years.
“They’ve gone in and they have channeled the anxieties of working-class voters on jobs, on trade, on automation, on crime, on opioids, on having an intelligent and balanced energy policy,” he said.
“Everyone is moving away from the Democratic Party other than professional elites and particularly professional female elites, white female elites,” Epstein concluded. “Other than that, the Democrat coalition is imploding because they have not listened to the voters.”
In the end, Democrats took things way too far left, and they’re paying for it now. For the first time in years, the future of America is actually looking bright!
Key Takeaways:
- Democrats are “imploding,” according to a top Democrat strategist.
- Democrats are losing it after Trump won the election.
- Democrats simply took things way too far left.
Source: Fox News