Top DHS Official Caught Red-Handed Promoting Illegal Immigration – ‘Utter Betrayal’
Top DHS Official Caught Red-Handed Promoting Illegal Immigration – ‘Utter Betrayal’

It’s no secret that in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ America, illegal immigration has gotten completely out of control. In the years since they’ve come to power, millions of illegal aliens have flooded our borders.

Biden and Harris have done so little to fix the border crisis that at times, it’s felt like they were actively encouraging illegal immigration. Now, an official in their Department of Homeland Security has been caught red-handed doing exactly that.

A top official in the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security was caught using social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok to promote illegal immigration into the U.S. This official even went so far as to provide advice to border crossers.

The official that has been accused of doing this is Wilson Osorio, who is listed online as an associate counsel with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s (USCIS) Office of the Chief Counsel. He has since made his YouTube and TikTok accounts provide and deleted his LinkedIn page.

From Fox News:
“Osorio uses his TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram channels to post video content, mostly of conversations with illegal immigrants, where he asks the individuals to tell those watching how much money they make, how they came to the United States, and how wonderful it is to illegally enter and settle in the U.S.,” the report says.

Osorio began posting in July and has posted dozens of videos to YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, the report says. In one video, he purportedly shows an illegal immigrant who now owns a restaurant.

“The American Dream is alive and well. This is the story of a Honduran immigrant who entered the United States illegally ~20 years ago. With hard work and dedication, he is now the owner of an expanding restaurant which brings in over $1 million in sales,” his Instagram description said.

Osorio’s Videos 

In one video, Osorio claimed that an illegal alien is currently earning $1,000 a week selling fruit. When asked in another video if he had any advice for migrants trying to cross the border, Osorio warned of dangers that include smugglers and the heat of the desert.

“In 3 years my daughters and I already have papers in the USA,” one video is titled. It features a female illegal alien saying that having three daughters helped her get protection from deportation, and ultimately obtain a work permit.

“In the [US] you work hard for your money but crossing the border was worth it,” another video’s description reads. “Thanks to my work here, I built a house in Honduras and I will soon be moving back.”

In yet another video, Osorio highlights the “important role” that illegal aliens play in construction. He then goes into detail about how much money migrants can earn in various occupations.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans are struggling just to find jobs and put food on the table.

More from Fox News:
“Wilson Osorio personifies the plague of unelected radical leftist bureaucrats turning this country upside down,” American Accountability Foundation President Thomas Jones said in a statement. “Even as he collects his taxpayer-funded salary, Osorio pushes his radical open borders agenda that is endangering the safety, stability and livelihoods of millions of Americans. It is an utter betrayal of the American people. He must be fired immediately.”

The Department of Homeland Security has yet to comment on this.

Biden-Harris Admin Prioritizes Illegal Aliens Over American Citizens

Sadly, what Osorio is doing comes as no surprise. Indeed, many have long felt that the Biden-Harris administration has been prioritizing illegal aliens over actual American citizens.

Having alienated millions of real Americans with their failed policies, Democrats have resorted to depending on the votes of illegal immigrants to stay in power. That’s why they’ve targeted voter ID laws all over the country in the hopes of making it easier than ever for illegal aliens to vote.

This serves as a reminder that the stakes of this presidential election could not be any higher. If Harris wins, this kind of nonsense in the Department of Homeland Security will undoubtedly continue. In contrast, should Donald Trump come out victorious, he’s pledged to crack down on illegal immigration in a big way.

Remember that when it comes time to cast your ballot.

Key Takeaways: 

  • DHS official caught promoting illegal immigration.
  • Illegal immigration is out of control in Biden-Harris’ America.
  • Biden and Harris have prioritized illegal aliens over American citizens.

Source: Fox News, YouTube

October 23, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!