Gold Star Dad Gets 1 Awesome Move from the GOP – Republicans Just Turned the Tables on Biden
Gold Star Dad Gets 1 Awesome Move from the GOP – Republicans Just Turned the Tables on Biden

Joe Biden launched his angry president campaign into full swing with his hate-filled State of the Union speech last week. His words rang loud and clear that he was attacking his political opponent, GOP presumptive nominee former President Donald Trump, and anyone who followed him.

What he didn’t expect was the loud and angry opposition that echoed through the chamber of Congress. Biden’s past actions that cost American lives caught up with him and he had to listen to the voice of a grieving father.

Steven Nikoui disrupted Biden’s angry rhetoric and was arrested. Nikoui is the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, died in the 2021 ISIS-K suicide bombing amid the chaotic evacuation from Kabul, Afghanistan.

Steven Nikoui quickly posted $50 bail while he faces a $500 fine or jail time for exercising his right to free speech and heckling Biden. A conviction may not happen if Republican congressional leaders have anything to say about it.

From the Daily Caller:
House Republicans are calling for the charges to be dropped as they pointed out the injustice of penalizing a father’s outcry over a personal and national tragedy. Republican Florida Rep. Mike Waltz has also offered to pay the fines related to the incident.

Republicans have joined Gold Star families in questioning the chaotic withdrawal that saw 13 service members killed, including Corporal Nikoui. Many hold Biden responsible for their deaths.

“They have every right to say, ‘Where is that explanation?’” Republican California Rep. Darrell Issa said of the Gold Star families, the New York Post reported. “’Where is that apology? Where is the legitimate investigation so it doesn’t happen to somebody else’s family?’”

Nikoui had a supportive entourage waiting for him after he posted bail. He was greeted with boisterous support at a Washington, D.C., diner. Fellow Gold Star families applauded how he stood up to Biden before Congress and all the world. Nikoui was praised for his actions and given a hero’s welcome.

“If you know Steve, he’s a very Christian man,” said fellow Gold Star father Darin Hoover, adding that Nikoui had a Bible with him during his arrest.“ He’d been thinking about it, and it’s been bugging him for a while because we haven’t gotten any of those answers … still nothing two and a half years later.”

Republicans should work with Nikoui and keep the pressure on Biden to deliver answers. This would make Nikou’s arrest worth the sacrifice.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP congressional leaders raced to help a Gold Star dad who was arrested.
  • Steven Nikoui was arrested after loudly heckling Joe Biden during his speech.
  • Biden’s angry State of the Union address was a bust for Gold Star families.

Source: Daily Caller

March 12, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.