Republican Leader Signs Historic New Ban – And It’s a Crushing Defeat for the Radical Left
Republican Leader Signs Historic New Ban – And It’s a Crushing Defeat for the Radical Left

Another Red state is fighting back against leftist ideology that forces new norms in public situations. The left has continued its attempts to undermine the social fabric in an effort to advance its ideology.

The conflict has risen to the point where Republican political leaders at the state level have enacted legislation to halt the advancement of the leftist ideals. The latest move by a Red state governor will likely upset leftists who don’t like any reversal of their ideological progress.

The legislative move is designed to keep separate human genders in public restrooms. Republican legislators called the new law a win for men and women in Mississippi.

From the Daily Caller:
Men are now barred from using women’s public restrooms in Mississippi, the state’s governor announced Monday.

Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced on social media he signed the SAFER Act into law on Monday morning. The law prohibits people in Mississippi from entering restrooms and other sex-exclusive areas in public buildings that do not align with their biological sex, according to the legislative text.

“Today is a win for girls and women across our state, and I was proud to sign SB2753 into law,” Reeves said. “You have my word that as long as I’m governor, our state will do everything in its power to keep Mississippi’s daughters safe.”

The law has some teeth to it. Individuals who enter a bathroom or other sex-exclusive area that does not align with their sex and refuse to leave will be charged with misdemeanor trespassing, according to the law.

The new legislation changes the parameters of who is using the restroom. The law requires all public buildings that maintain a restroom, including colleges and universities, to either have male and female-specific facilities or a single-occupancy unisex facility.

Republicans also set forth definitions of gender as it applies under the new law. The legislation defines a woman as “a human female who is not a minor” and female as “an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have had, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, disease, or injury, the reproductive system that at some point produces ova.”

The law does allow for and specifies some exceptions. Parents can chaperone their children of the opposite gender into restrooms under the legislation. Disabled and otherwise vulnerable people can also be helped into restrooms by people of the opposite sex.

Reeves didn’t hold back in his ongoing criticism of leftist ideology that he believes harms women.

“There’s no doubt that the left will continue to come up with more kooky ideas that harm biological women,” Reeves said. “And there’s no doubt that Mississippi will continue to push back on them. That’s because we have to—protecting girls and women from the left’s dangerous agenda is just too important to ignore.”

This latest law related to gender follows previously legislation signed by Reeves that banned biological men from competing on female sports teams and prohibiting “gender-affirming care” for children in his state.

“Gender-affirming care” is a term used to describe the use of hormone suppression and hormone treatments that can lead to chemical castration, as well as surgeries like mastectomy, phalloplasty and vaginoplasty.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican Mississippi Gov. Reeves signed a bill banning men from women’s bathrooms.
  • Those who violate the law will be charged with misdemeanor trespassing, the text stated.
  • Reeves said the new law is a win for girls and women as the state keeps its “daughters safe.”

Source: Daily Caller

May 18, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.