GOP Leader Makes Sudden 2024 Announcement – Now the Race Looks Completely Different
GOP Leader Makes Sudden 2024 Announcement – Now the Race Looks Completely Different

We are days away from the first primary voting. In the coming months, Americans will decide who they want running for them in the general election.

There are still several candidates fighting for the GOP nomination. Most of them are long shots at this point, with a few that have a slim chance.

One of the more outspoken candidates of this cycle has made a stunning decision. And what he plans to do could send ripples across the entire election season.

From Daily Wire:
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced on Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign for president…

“I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be President of the United States again,” Christie said. “And that’s more important than my own personal ambitions.”…

The 61-year-old slammed Republican politicians who refused to speak out publicly against Trump as “cowards.”

The former New Jersey governor, Chris Christie, announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. Christie was one of several longshot candidates who struggled to gain traction among voters.

But as he announced his departure, he made a few parting shots at Trump and other Republicans. The man vowed to never “enable” Donald Trump to “ever be President of the United States again.” Outside of running against him, it is unclear what the former governor could do to oppose Trump.

He went on to attack Republicans who “refused to speak out” against Trump. Christie, whose reputation as a leader was heavily tarnished over scandals during his administration, called these fellow Republicans “cowards.”

Many, if not most, Republican leaders support Donald Trump’s campaign. Many have aligned themselves with the former president, strongly endorsing his return to the White House.

Christie is unlikely to find many sympathetic ears among Republican voters. His only recourse to “stop” Trump from winning would be to go to the liberal media to attack him—something he’s done for a while.

But few who watch those news outlets intend to vote for Trump in the first place.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chris Christie announced he was dropping out of the GOP primary race.
  • The former governor was a longshot candidate who never polled well.
  • He vowed to try to prevent Donald Trump from winning another term.

Source: Daily Wire

January 11, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.