Democrats can’t stand the fact that the Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority. They are reeling from many important rulings that have upended their far-left agenda. Big surprise that they are trying to undermine the court. The highest court has become the last bastion of constitutional integrity.
Of course, Democrats would be trying to destroy it!
The biggest shot at the court came in the form of an op-ed written by Joe Biden. The lame-duck president outlined three ways to change the court. These radical, extreme moves were transparent for what they were: attempts to erase the court’s conservative majority. But they also serve as shocking attempts by a sitting president to destroy one of the three branches of government established by the Constitution. And with Harris’ vocal support, it has become a top issue for the election.
From Breitbart:
Vice President Kamala Harris joined President Joe Biden’s call on Monday to fundamentally abolish the Supreme Court’s independence, destroying its status as a separate branch of government shielded from political pressure, with specific features that are so clearly unconstitutional they could only be done by changing the Constitution itself. And conservative leaders are calling out the Biden-Harris scheme for what it is…Biden… pushing three structural changes to America’s basic safeguards for liberty found in the Constitution’s separation of powers. And Democrats’ new torchbearer — Kamala Harris — publicly embraced Biden’s agenda, thereby making it an issue for the presidential campaign.
War on the Highest Court
Harris joined Joe Biden’s insane call to destroy the Supreme Court to protect liberal policies. But just what do these two would-be dictators want? First off, Harris wants term limits for justices. That would mean members of the SCOTUS would no longer serve for life, giving Democrats more chances to pack the court with radical leftists. That, of course, is unconstitutional as the founding document states all federal judges serve for life.
Second, Harris and Biden want the court to be bound by an “ethics code” which, of course, would be defined by Democrats. This “code” is just a way to force justices to recuse themselves from cases. This would give Congress or the president to pressure a justice to back off a case, to give the liberal minority a bigger say in the issue. This is unconstitutional, as it gives Congress power over a branch that is supposed to check its power.
Thirdly, Harris and Biden demanded the removal of presidential immunity, which the court just secured. Most legal scholars believed presidential immunity was always in place, but the recent ruling only established it on paper, preventing Democrats from further prosecuting Trump.
A Radical Stab for Power
Anyone who understands how the U.S. government is structured knows Biden and Harris’ agenda is shocking. The Supreme Court—and all federal courts—serve as the third branch of our government. It exists to check and balance the power of the White House and Congress. Democrats want to destroy all of that, giving corrupt Congress the power over the Supreme Court.
What this means is that Democrats, should they secure Congress and the presidency, will have total control over the government and country. They won’t have to fear the courts blocking whatever insane plans they have. Heck, they can sell Alaska to Iran—and nobody will be able to stop them! Both Biden and Harris have complained about the SCOTUS in recent days, spreading falsehoods about the court.
A Major Issue for 2024
Most of what Biden and Harris are demanding will be difficult to pass. It will require, according to most experts, amendments to the Constitution. But that doesn’t mean Democrats won’t try to make it happen. If Harris wins and Democrats regain a majority in Congress, the first thing they will try to do is ram this plan through. Constitutional or not, they will try to make these insane ideas a reality.
Voters need to sit up and pay attention. While Democrats keep accusing Trump of trying to destroy democracy, they are the ones putting forward plans that would fundamentally destroy how our country has functioned for centuries. And it will ensure that our votes will be meaningless, as Democrats can do whatever they want though the courts. Who knows what they would abolish next. Freedom of Speech? Religious freedom? Anything would be on the table.
Key Takeaways:
- Kamala Harris supports Biden’s radical demands to fundamentally change the Supreme Court.
- The proposal has sparked outrage and intense debate about the separation of powers and constitutional principles.
- The 2024 election is heating up, with the future of the Supreme Court becoming a central issue.
- Biden and Harris want to set term limits, give Congress power over the court, and eliminate presidential immunity.
Source: Breitbart