Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on FBI – Exposes Possibly the Worst Thing They’ve Ever Done
Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on FBI – Exposes Possibly the Worst Thing They’ve Ever Done

In recent years, Americans have learned about several troubling scandals coming from the FBI. Plenty of conservatives lost faith in the agency after it raided the home of former President Donald Trump.

We also learned that the agency had evidence regarding possible crimes committed by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Yet, the FBI refused to investigate, believing it would influence the 2020 Election.

Another scandal came out recently, putting millions of Americans on high alert. We only got a glimpse of what was going on. But now, Rep. Jim Jordan is revealing how far the FBI went to possibly suppress religious, pro-life Americans.

From Fox News:
Jordan, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, extrapolated on a report his panel released Monday on the FBI’s apparent plan to monitor Catholics out of its Richmond, Virginia, office for any suspected domestic terrorism.

FOX News learned earlier Monday from the House Government Weaponization Committee that the FBI interviewed both a priest and choir director despite documentation showing “no legitimate basis” for the memorandum that would insert the Feds into churches.

Jordan, who chairs both panels, had previously probed the idea that the FBI would categorize some Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.

Rep. Jim Jordan’s committees have been revealing how at least one FBI field office tried to infiltrate Catholic churches. The agency branded Catholics–which represent millions of religious Americans–as “domestic terrorists.”

The Richmond, Virginia field office interviewed a priest and choir director at the time for apparent dangers. This, even though a report documented “no legitimate basis” for a memo calling out this religious group.

It appears the FBI, under President Biden’s leadership, was targeting Catholics over their pro-life views. The Catholic Church is arguably the largest and most influential pro-life group in the country. It is possible the administration wanted to target them, to undermine their ability to advance pro-life policies.

If true, it is a shocking and unconstitutional attempt at eroding Catholics’ First Amendment religious rights. The First Amendment prohibits the government from interfering with religious organizations. Yet the FBI was trying to “insert Feds into” Catholic churches, based on what appears to be zero evidence of wrongdoing.

This seems to be how far the Biden administration will go to push its pro-abortion agenda. Biden doesn’t even respect religious groups who believe in protecting unborn life. His FBI seemed to go as far as to falsely brand an entire church “terrorists” because they want to end abortion.

Rep. Jordan seems to believe this is yet another example of how Democrats have “weaponized” the government against American citizens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jim Jordan revealed evidence that the FBI was trying to infiltrate the Catholic church.
  • The agency branded Catholics as “domestic terrorists” despite “no legitimate basis” for it.
  • Jordan and others believe Biden did this because the Catholic Church is strongly pro-life.

Source: Fox News

December 6, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.