Earlier this week, President Joe Biden made headlines when he referred to the millions of Americans who support Donald Trump as being “garbage.” Though the White House immediately tried to backtrack by claiming that this wasn’t actually what Biden meant, the damage was already done.
Indeed, many felt that Biden had just said the quiet part out loud when it comes to what Democrats really think about Trump supporters. After all, millions of people who have voted for Trump know first-hand that many leftists truly do view them as trash.
On Tuesday morning’s episode of the ABC talk show The View, Joy Behar reminded the world once again just how hateful she and her fellow radical liberals are towards Trump supporters. The 82 year-old comedian went so far as to say that she wouldn’t even allow a Trump voter to save her life by giving her the Heimlich maneuver if she was choking.
From Decider:
At the end of the episode, Whoopi Goldberg introduced a Hot Topic segment about a woman who ditched an old flame mid-hookup after realizing he was a MAGA supporter — which, according to Behar, was the right move.“I wouldn’t even let him give me the Heimlich maneuver,” she joked. “That’s how little I feel about people. I don’t — no.”
You truly can’t make this stuff up. Check out Behar’s comments for yourself in the video below.
Unhinged Joy Behar says she thinks "so little" of Trump supporters that she wouldn't let one save her life if she was choking. pic.twitter.com/X0pSWPiagB
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) November 5, 2024
It takes a new level of Trump derangement syndrome to prefer death over allowing someone who simply voted for Trump to save your life. Coming from a crazed liberal like Behar, however, we can’t say that we’re surprised.
Behar Doubles Down
Believe it or not, things only got weirder from there.
More from Decider:
Behar went on to explain why she wouldn’t be able to date someone with different political views than her.“People who believe that stuff, they’re just disregarding everything that he has said and done — trashing servicemen, trashing John McCain, speaking ill of women, being held liable for sexual assault,” Behar said. “It means you are in agreement with that. How can I be in a relationship with you? I cannot.”
Something tells us that you are not in danger of Trump voters, or any voters for that matter, wanting to date you, Joy.
Democrats are constantly claiming that Trump is the person dividing this country with his rhetoric. In reality, liberals are the ones who play a far bigger role in dividing the nation with hateful rants like Behar’s.
Of course, this hatred and vitriol towards the million of people who support Trump is nothing new. Back in 2016, Hillary Clinton infamously slammed Trump voters as being “deplorables.” To this day, many would argue that this played a major role in Clinton losing the election.
Democrats often claim to be a party that is against hate. They then exhibit constant hate towards conservatives who dare to think differently than they do.
In the end, it never ceases to amaze just how hypocritical and ignorant the left can be!
Key Takeaways:
- Joy Behar hates Trump voters so much that she wouldn’t let them save her if she was choking.
- This comes days after Biden called Trump supporters “garbage.”
- This is what Democrats really think of Trump supporters.
Source: Decider