Top Liberal Brand Suffers Devastating Loss – Karma Finally Catches Up to Them
Top Liberal Brand Suffers Devastating Loss – Karma Finally Catches Up to Them

Another woke company got tossed like an expired pint of gluten-free, non-dairy vanilla ice cream. Companies that have turned on American values and attacked those who champion the traditional ideals of this country are experiencing a harsh awakening.

The days of America bashing are dwindling as woke corporations get sent out into the cold. This is a fitting end for those who undermine the foundations of this country that allowed these companies to get started and prosper at levels not seen anywhere else in the world.

Anit-Trump Ben & Jerry’s was hammered after an announcement that its parent company was done with this problem child. Years of political controversy were enough to get this brand booted.

From Fox Business:
Multinational conglomerate Unilever, the owner of some 400 brands, announced Tuesday it is spinning off its ice cream business — including major names like Ben & Jerry’s, Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle and Klondike — after more than a century.

The consumer goods giant said the move is part of a growth strategy to create a leaner business. At the same time, by shedding Ben & Jerry’s, Unilever is ridding itself of a longtime headache.

Ben & Jerry’s built the company and a public reputation alongside a left-leaning advocacy since its founding in 1978. Company leaders finagled a sweet deal to maintain an independent board of directors after it was sold to Unilever in 2000. This allowed leadership to continue progressive activism that included attacking former President Donald Trump.

That unique freedom to promote leftist ideals allowed Ben & Jerry’s to champion controversial issues without boundaries from the parent company. This deal structure pulled Unilever into the swamp of controversy.

Ben & Jerry’s set off a political storm in July 2021 when the company announced it would stop selling products to Israelis in the West Bank. The company referred to the area as “Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

That created a firestorm of criticism from both sides of the political aisle. Accusations swirled that the company was attacking Israel as part of the boycott, divest, sanctions (BDS) movement, which Ben & Jerry’s denied. The controversy prompted U.S. lawmakers to request a probe of the parent company from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Israel threatened to take legal action.

Unilever tried to distance itself from the issue, saying it never supported BDS and sold the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream operations in Israel in June 2022. But the problem child kept making headlines for controversial political positions.

Lat year Ben & Jerry’s posted an anti-American social media statement that angered many Americans on Independence Day. The post on Twitter, now X, read, “This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.” The company faced a boycott for its statement.

The backlash included several U.S. states tossing Unilever from their public employee retirement funds. The states include Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas and most recently North Carolina.

And, by the way, anyone believing that “gluten-free” and “non-dairy” are ice cream doesn’t know what it’s like to experience the deliciousness of the real thing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parent company Unilever put problem child Ben & Jerry’s on the chopping block.
  • The longtime headache subsidiary company has a history of political controversy.
  • Ben & Jerry’s has proudly promoted its left-leaning advocacy for several decades.

Source: Fox Business

March 23, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.