America Under Attack from a New Direction – You Won’t Believe How They’re Invading Now
America Under Attack from a New Direction – You Won’t Believe How They’re Invading Now

Critics have been merciless in their attacks over Biden’s border policy. It appears, from the very start of his administration, Biden has removed measures that prevent illegal immigration.

The result has been nearly 8 million migrants entering illegally. And those are only the ones caught by DHS.

It seems the world thinks America is fair game. The border has been under siege for years—and it isn’t getting any better. We just learned about a group of migrants trying to ram the gate of a private resident, to enter the country. But they weren’t coming up out of Mexico!

From Breitbart:
Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a group of nine migrants from the United Kingdom after they illegally crossed the Canadian Border into Vermont. Agents arrested the migrants after they crashed through a landowner’s gate in an attempt to enter the U.S. without being discovered…

The agents intercepted the Nissan SUV loaded with the human smuggling cargo after it crashed through a landowner’s gate in an attempt to move into the U.S. interior without detection…

During Fiscal Year 23, which ended on September 30, 2023, Swanton Sector agents apprehended more migrants than during the previous 12 years combined, Breitbart Texas reported.

As Biden allows millions of migrants to cross over the Southern border, illegal immigration in the North is exploding. Just recently, agents apprehended nine migrants from the U.K. who were trying to enter illegally.

The group crashed into a gate on a landowner’s property. Authorities found the SUV packed with people trying to be smuggled into the U.S. It is common practice for smugglers to race over the border in vehicles, to outrun police.

Often, they drive through open territory, but it is not uncommon for them to race through communities, putting residents in danger. These chases often end in collisions, where migrants jump out of the vehicle and scatter.

These chases often cross over into privately owned property. But they almost always happen near the Southern border. This is the first time we’ve learned about migrants doing something similar near the Canadian border.

But it surely won’t be the last. Because Biden is refusing to secure the border, migrants have been emboldened to illegally enter from all corners.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nine migrants crashed into a private gate while illegally entering from Canada.
  • This comes as illegal immigration explodes at the Northern border.
  • Biden’s neglect of immigration law is emboldening migrants from all over the world.

Source: Breitbart

April 1, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.