Nevada Supreme Court Justices Exposed – You Won’t Believe What They’ve Been ‘Trained’ In
Nevada Supreme Court Justices Exposed – You Won’t Believe What They’ve Been ‘Trained’ In

Leftist ideology has permeated every aspect of American culture. The radical influence overshadows everything from schools to churches to government and everything in between.

Now the leftist mentality has seeped into the highest levels of the judicial system. Impartial judges have been taught to act according to the doctrine of a self-established ideological ruling class.

The judges on the high court in Nevada were told how they should think and act when presiding over cases involving people in the LGBT community. The training was sanctioned by the Nevada Supreme Court itself.

From the Daily Caller:
The July 2023 course taught judges to “recognize and consider using terminology, pronouns, and names to increase access for transgender and gender nonbinary people in the courthouse,” according to training materials obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The course was hosted by the Nevada Supreme Court and was titled, “Transgender And Gender Nonbinary People In The Nevada Courts: Practical Tools And Best Practical Tools And Best Practices For Nevada Judges.” Todd Brower, director of the Judicial Education Program at the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, presented the training.

Judges were subjected to a slide show that covered data on sexual orientation of people within the state, references for gender terminology, and an overview of hypothetical scenarios showcasing transgender litigants who might appear in court.

Public records requests were unclear on how many judges took the training which was not mandatory. State statute requires Nevada district and municipal court judges to take 13 hours annually of continuing legal education, including at least two hours in ethics. The one-time LGBT training session was worth 1.5 hours of the necessary ethics credits.

Conservatives quickly condemned the training that would influence judges at any level.

“This falls into a recent pattern of left-wing dark money groups attempting to co-opt official court structures to advance their woke agenda,” Carrie Severino, president of JCN, a conservative legal advocacy group, told the DCNF. “It is not appropriate — and is in fact a violation of conscience rights — for any official court to take ideological positions on these issues and, through its influence, impose them on litigants, attorneys, and judges within their system.”

The training, which is making rounds in various court systems, recommends not using gender-specific titles like “sir” or “ma’am.” Judges are asked to request that courtroom participants list their pronouns on a sign-in sheet and use such pronouns when introducing themselves.

The trainer in Nevada, Bower, also delivered similar training last year to the Santa Cruz Superior Court in California. This session was put together by “DEI” speaker Tristan E.H. Higgins, who told the Daily Caller News Foundation she has delivered this training and others to various legal organizations, as well as the San Diego courthouse.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Nevada Supreme Court hosted a training for judges in LGBT ideology.
  • Judges were taught to “recognize and consider” pronouns and gender.
  • Conservatives slammed the training as a “violation of conscience rights.”

Source: Daily Caller

February 10, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.