Top Obama-Biden Secret Exposed – Now We Know Exactly Why Americans Are Suffering
Top Obama-Biden Secret Exposed – Now We Know Exactly Why Americans Are Suffering

What’s Happening:

Politicians at the federal level of government are expected to be at the top of their skill set as they pledge to serve the American people. The assumption is that they believe in the ideals of the nation and have a deep desire to work for the common good.

Unfortunately, that scenario too often doesn’t play out as some politicians are exposed as having an IG more closely related to a box of rocks. There are many examples of how average-earning politicians become multi-millionaires after their time in office. Still others couldn’t balance a checkbook and burn through taxpayer dollars at an alarming rate.

One of today’s most questionable money-managing career politicians is Joe Biden. He has spent trillions of dollars in the name of the common good as president. Now there are questions being raised about why he was ever elevated to a high political status as vice president based on his money-managing track record.

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow claims in his new New York Times bestselling book Breaking Biden that the former vice president was given the job as former President Barack Obama’s running mate “specifically for being bad with money.”

The book includes several biographical details about Biden that are forgotten by the public. Marlow points out that he believes Obama tapped Biden as VP because he was one of the poorest guys in the Senate. Biden’s financial status is the focus of congressional inquiries that may lead to impeachment.

“Joe Biden’s family has made money and lost it so many times you lose count,” Marlow said in a recent interview with seven-time New York Times bestselling investigative author Peter Schweizer. Marlow stated that this was a virtue for Obama in his selection, and then Joe arrives in office and oversees the “worst economic policy imaginable.” Fast-track to Biden’s presidency and the nation is suffering under “Bidenflation” and “insane EV policies that enrich China.”

Marlow pointed out that the biographical material in his book about Biden is there because he believes people need to understand Biden in order to beat him.

Schweizer praised Marlow for the extensive research and more than 1,600 endnotes in Breaking Biden. “So, Alex, you have out-researched me, which is saying something,” Schweizer quipped about the book.

People can read the book, and Schweizer’s works, to form their own opinion about whether Biden is just another common self-interested politician not doing much good for the nation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Breitbart editor dives deep into Joe Biden’s money management while in office.
  • New book exposes the truth about why Obama tapped Biden for vice president.
  • Biden’s “worst economic policy imaginable” continues to haunt American taxpayers.

Source: Breitbart

October 31, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.