October Surprise: Economy in Peril as Dockworkers Strike, Biden-Harris Nowhere to be Found
By Mick Farthing|October 1, 2024
October Surprise: Economy in Peril as Dockworkers Strike, Biden-Harris Nowhere to be Found

The Biden-Harris administration has made a name for itself when it comes to handling crises — and not in a good way. Time after time, when it mattered most, they fumbled the ball. Take the Department of Transportation (DOT), for example, which has become a poster child for incompetence under this administration.

Remember when the supply chain crisis turned the nation upside down as ships waited days, even weeks, to dock at American ports? Goods were stuck offshore while shelves in grocery stores sat empty. It was a national embarrassment. Or how about the near-disaster of the rail workers’ strike, which could have ground the U.S. economy to a halt? Biden swooped in at the eleventh hour with a band-aid solution, but the damage was already done — businesses and workers left hanging in uncertainty for months.

These failures show a pattern: the Biden-Harris team is woefully unprepared to handle critical infrastructure issues. Instead of leadership, we get bureaucratic paralysis. When the pressure is on, this administration cracks.

The same happened when gasoline prices soared or when the Southwest Airlines debacle stranded thousands of passengers. It’s clear this administration either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care about the consequences of inaction. And the American people are paying the price. Now, a fresh crisis is looming, and surprise, surprise — the Biden-Harris team is already missing in action.

From The Post Millennial:
Early Tuesday morning, dockworkers at ports across the US began a strike over wages and automation that could cause supply shortages and increase inflation.

According to the Associated Press, the contract between the International Longshoremen’s Association and 36 ports from Maine to Texas. The strike went forward despite reported progress in negotiations and is the first one by the union since 1977.

Dockworkers Strike: Another Economic Disaster on the Horizon

Early Tuesday morning, dockworkers from Maine to Texas went on strike, threatening to disrupt the entire supply chain. This move could cause massive shortages and further inflate prices. Retailers might be stocked for now, but an extended strike would likely delay holiday shipments, leading to another mess right when Americans can least afford it.

Even worse, perishable goods like produce could rot at ports, driving up food prices for working families. And where is the Biden administration? President Biden shrugged off the crisis, saying he doesn’t plan to intervene. Gina Raimondo, his Secretary of Commerce, was casually dismissing the situation on national television. It’s as if they’ve learned nothing from past debacles.

Biden Shrugs, Americans Suffer

This latest strike highlights the administration’s true colors: they are either asleep at the wheel or simply don’t care. Biden’s refusal to take immediate action exposes a lack of leadership that is typical of his presidency. Instead of stepping up to prevent economic calamity, Biden is just hoping things work out. Meanwhile, the ripple effect of this strike could be disastrous, costing the economy upwards of $4 billion per day. And who will bear the brunt of that cost? Regular Americans, not the elites who keep propping up this administration.

Harris’ 2024 Hopes Crumble Amid Administration Failures

As for Vice President Kamala Harris, this is another nail in the coffin for her political ambitions. Her track record as Biden’s right-hand woman is nothing to boast about. If this administration can’t even manage a strike that’s been building up for months, how can Harris expect to lead as president? Her lack of leadership will only drag her down as Americans grow tired of the chaos and indecision that has marked this presidency.

Donald Trump has been warning us for years about the dangers of weak leadership. He understood that strong, decisive action is what keeps this country running smoothly. It’s no wonder that, under Trump’s watch, America had a booming economy and a more stable supply chain. Contrast that with Biden, who can’t even keep dockworkers from walking off the job during a critical time.

If the 2024 election comes down to Biden’s track record — or Harris’s by extension — then Trump is poised to make a strong comeback. America needs a leader who understands the importance of keeping our economy moving, and this administration has proven it can’t handle the job.

The Cost of Inaction: A $4 Billion a Day Crisis

The incompetence on display is staggering. As port operations grind to a halt and holiday shoppers brace for shortages, the Biden-Harris team is nowhere to be found. This is what happens when leadership is absent and priorities are misplaced.

They had a chance to avert this disaster, but just like in the past, they were too slow, too indifferent, and too disconnected from the real-world consequences of their failure. One thing is certain: this administration has failed the American people yet again. And with an election around the corner, voters won’t forget.

Trump’s America-first approach is more necessary now than ever before. While Biden and Harris continue to dodge responsibility, Trump’s policies offer real solutions. It’s time for a return to common sense and leadership that works for all Americans, not just those in Washington’s bubble.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden-Harris mishandled transportation crises, showing clear inaction.
  • Dockworkers strike threatens shortages; Biden downplays urgency.
  • Harris’ future dims as Trump’s strong leadership gains appeal.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.