Last week, a New York jury found Trump guilty of 34 felony counts. This came after a weeks-long trial that was largely panned by legal experts and Americans. A Democrat prosecutor elevated misdemeanor charges to felonies. Many believe this trial was simply about derailing Trump’s campaign.
Already, it has backfired on Democrats. Trump’s campaign claimed it has raised $200 million since the conviction.
Now, a new poll just came out. This national election poll factors the recent guilty verdict. How are voters now leaning, after the Democrats’ conviction? If this poll holds true, Joe Biden has a lot to worry about.
From Just the News:
If the 2024 presidential election were held today, former President Donald Trump would beat President Joe Biden by 2 percentage points, according to a new poll taken after a Manhattan jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records.Additionally, most voters, 51%, say that the prosecutions of Trump are politically motivated, according to a HarrisX poll released Friday.
According to a new HarrisX poll, Trump is beating Biden by around 2 points. This poll came after the New York conviction, showing that voters have not been influenced by the Democrat-run trial. On top of that, 51% of those asked claim that the trial was politically motivated, undermining the Democrats’ narrative.
This poll factors independent candidates, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It appears the liberal candidate is taking more votes from Biden than Trump, giving the Republican an advantage.
These results are devastating for the Biden campaign. Democrats were counting on a guilty verdict torching Trump’s chances. They were likely hoping for a larger swing in Biden’s favor, perhaps with Trump losing by five or more points. Instead, Trump is leading Biden—showing that other issues are having a greater impact on the election than this trial.
From all appearances, the trial appears to have helped Trump more than hurt him. Most Trump supporters believe the government is being abused by liberals for their own interests. Democrats pushing a questionable trial to hurt a former president only seems to confirm those suspicions.
With three more Democrat-led criminal trials against Trump still pending, liberals should be very careful.
Key Takeaways:
- A new HarrisX poll shows Trump beating Biden by 2 points.
- This poll came out after the guilty verdict in the New York trial.
- Over half of voters believe the trial was politically motivated.
Source: Just the News