After College Professor Calls for Anti-Kamala Voters to Be ‘Shot,’ The School Quickly Fires Him
After College Professor Calls for Anti-Kamala Voters to Be ‘Shot,’ The School Quickly Fires Him

Democrats constantly preach tolerance. They claim to be the champions of inclusivity, demanding respect and rights for minority groups, immigrants, and the LGBTQ+ community. But when it comes to conservatives or Trump supporters, their so-called “inclusivity” vanishes. Republicans are labeled, shamed, and mocked with a level of intolerance that contradicts the left’s supposed values of acceptance.

If you’re wearing a MAGA hat or voting red, you’re automatically the enemy, subject to open scorn. How is it inclusive to support one group of people while demonizing another for their political beliefs?

The hypocrisy is glaring. Left-wing activists who rally for kindness and equality refuse to extend the same respect to those who disagree with them. They claim to embrace diversity, yet when a Republican speaks up, they’re shouted down, ostracized, or worse—canceled.

It’s clear: the Democrats’ “tolerance” has limits, and those limits stop short of anyone on the right.

From The Blaze:
The professor who was caught on video calling for male voters to be shot if they refused to support Vice President Kamala Harris has been fired from his job at the University of Kansas…

“There are gonna be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president,” he added. “We can line all those guys up and shoot them. They clearly don’t understand the way the world works. Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don’t want the deans hearing that I said that.”

Professor Fired Over Violent Remarks

This pattern of hypocrisy was recently put on display in the case of Dr. Phil Lowcock, a professor at the University of Kansas, who casually joked about executing male voters. Caught on video, Lowcock suggested that men who wouldn’t vote for Vice President Kamala Harris should be “lined up and shot.”

The footage went viral, shocking many who were appalled by the cavalier call for violence. Lowcock, realizing his mistake, tried to backtrack, telling his class to “scratch that from the recording” so the university administration wouldn’t hear it. But the damage was done.

Lowcock’s words were not only offensive but dangerous, reflecting a growing hostility on the left toward conservative views. The University of Kansas acted swiftly, placing him on administrative leave before ultimately terminating his employment. Yet, the initial response from the university was disturbing.

In their first statement, they defended Lowcock by suggesting he was simply supporting women’s rights. Seriously? Joking about shooting voters who disagree with you is now considered defending rights? The message is clear: as long as you’re progressive, even violent rhetoric can be excused.

Political Intolerance Gone Too Far

The firing of Dr. Lowcock highlights a much larger issue. Political intolerance has escalated to a dangerous level. Calling for violence, whether in jest or not, should never be acceptable, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on.

But the reality is that intolerance from the left continues to be brushed off or justified as being in defense of a “greater good.” That kind of logic is not only dangerous but undermines the very principles of free speech and democracy.

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall was quick to condemn the professor’s remarks, urging the university to take action. “I am glad to report that the professor who called for men to be ‘lined up and shot,’ is no longer an employee at KU,” Marshall said.

His response reflects what so many conservatives feel—that enough is enough. No one should fear for their life or be mocked for their political beliefs, but today’s toxic political climate seems to be pushing us in that direction.

Lowcock’s firing was the right decision, but the broader issue of intolerance needs addressing. It’s not just happening in classrooms. Conservatives across the country face harassment and threats for simply supporting Donald Trump or holding right-wing views.

If the Democrats truly care about inclusivity, it’s time for them to extend that courtesy to everyone, including those they disagree with.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrats’ claims of tolerance ring hollow when they refuse to show respect for conservatives and Trump supporters.
  • Dr. Phil Lowcock’s violent remarks highlight the dangerous rise of political intolerance on the left.
  • The firing of Lowcock was justified, but the broader issue of hypocrisy in the name of inclusivity continues unchecked.

Source: The Blaze

October 14, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.