After Protesters Raise Palestinian Flag in D.C. – Video Shows Police Unleashing the Perfect Karma
After Protesters Raise Palestinian Flag in D.C. – Video Shows Police Unleashing the Perfect Karma

For the past several weeks, the world has had front row seats to a spectacle plaguing across all of our universities. While this protest issue has been concentrated in west/east cost ivy leagues, it’s also spread to less liberal areas – even in Texas. The insanity on display has been very sad to watch, especially when it results in something like we have seen at George Washington University in DC.

For a university with quite a namesake, their students have shown to be the antithesis of the values he instilled in our country. And for the past few weeks there has been a back and forth battle on campus with these protestors that has resulted in tearing down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag – to the sound of cheering and victory among the students. Its such a sad sight to see.

However, we have seen a glimmer of hope from our brave police officers who have constantly put themselves in harms way, often surrounded by these hoards of people which could turn violent at any moment. After the American flag had been put back up for probably the second or third time, the protestors banded together to try and tear it down again – and then this happened.

From Steve McGuire on Twitter:

Wow – this video is worth 1000 words. To see the “students” trying so hard to tear down Ol’ Glory and replace it with the flag of another nation is so tone-deaf from a PR perspective and does nothing to further their cause with moderates, much less regular Americans. Do they not know how bad this looks?

They seem to have no shame anymore and willing to do whatever it takes to hurt America and everything she stands for all in the name of helping a country that has had very bad people elected and embedded into their government leading them down a horrible path. It hurts my heart to watch the countless protest videos that have been coming out of these campus trespassing but occasionally there is a video that brings a smile to my face just like this video does.

There are still good people in America fighting for real American values and it is going to take a lot of effort to keep them. Clearly there are powerful forces at play here trying to change the fundamentals of this country and we cannot let that happen.

Please share this video wherever you can to show these “students” that this is not acceptable.

Source: Twitter

May 7, 2024
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.