Republican Sends Biden a Nightmare Message – He Fires 4 Eye-Opening Words at Joe’s Crisis
Republican Sends Biden a Nightmare Message – He Fires 4 Eye-Opening Words at Joe’s Crisis

The crisis along the southern U.S. border has worsened. The Biden administration continues to allow illegal immigration at unprecedented levels even as fellow Democrats demand a solution.

Biden’s lack of action to stop the crisis and protect the country has become a major concern among voters as the 2024 presidential election heats up. Voters from all walks of life want an answer to the border while Biden’s team dawdles around acting like they’re doing something.

Texas recently took strong action to slow the border chaos and liberals attacked the effort. That prompted Republican strategist Ford O’Connell to lay down the law with liberals who cry about the situation and then don’t deliver a solution. He straight up called out Biden about the border crisis.

From the Daily Caller:
“He’s actively facilitating illegal immigration in this country. He did not inherit this crisis. He created this crisis. This blood is on Joe Biden’s hands, not Greg Abbott,” O’Connell stated. “Joe Biden puts America last.”

O’Connell’s harsh statements came during a heated exchange with former Obama advisor Johanna Maska Monday during a segment on NewsNation. Maska was spewing Democratic talking points about needed immigration reform and she yelled at O’Connell’s assessment of the situation.

Maska cut the GOP strategist off at one point and stated Democrats need “ideas” to solve the immigration issue. O’Connell took issue with her reaction and pounded the liberal position.

O’Connell called out Maska for being “scared” of the “open border crowd.” She even yelled at him for his comments. The verbal tussle opened a can of worms on air.

“The Democrats are scared of the open borders crowd. To them no one is illegal,” O’Connell said.

“Human beings are not illegal!” Maska cried out as she tried to shout over him.

O’Connell didn’t back down and pointed out how Biden’s open border policies have caused struggles in major cities like New York City. Recently all students in a New York City high school were forced to temporarily attend classes virtually to make room in the building for about 2,000 migrants.

Some of the discussion that prompted the emotional reactions dealt with news that Texas took control of a park in Eagle Pass within the last week. The city has suffered under surges of illegal immigrants crossing near their and the Texas Department of Public Safety intervened at the park.

The Biden administration and Texas have been fighting over authority to police the border and stop the illegal border crossings. State officials have acted while Biden continues to allow historic levels of illegal immigrants to flow into the country.

Since Texas gained control of the park, a woman and two children died while crossing the Rio Grande River near there. The Biden administration then accused Texas officials of being responsible for the deaths by blocking federal agents from assisting in the situation. Texas officials denied any wrongdoing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican strategist slammed the president: “Joe Biden puts America last.”
  • O’Connell blasted a former Obama advisor for being “scared.”
  • Joe Biden has blood on his hands, according to Ford O’Connell.

Source: Daily Caller

January 20, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.