There are few things that Democrats are more bitter about than the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. The left has managed to take over virtually every other aspect of government and media. However, they have failed miserably in turning the Supreme Court into yet another liberal tool to force their radical agendas on the world.
However, if President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris get their way, this could be about to change. On Monday morning, they teamed up to call for some disturbing reforms to the Supreme Court.
These reforms would completely destroy the Supreme Court as we know it. Of course, this does not matter at all to Biden and Harris. They have each shown time and time again that they don’t care one bit about the principles our founding fathers used to design the government of this great nation.
From Fox News:
Biden’s reforms would eliminate any immunity a former president enjoys for crimes committed while in office.Harris, who is running for president, endorsed the push. “Today, there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent,” she said.
Regarding the Supreme Court, Biden wants to impose a term limit of 18 years for justices. Once fully adopted, it would allow presidents to appoint new justices at a cadence of once every two years.
Biden argued the new Supreme Court code of conduct should require justices to “disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity, and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest.”
The timing of this call for changes to the Supreme Court is no accident.
Notice that they put this out on Monday morning, when it would get the most attention possible. That’s because this is nothing more than an attention-grab, the goal of which is to garner more votes for Harris.
Biden and Harris may not be the sharpest tools in the shed. However, even they know that this ridiculous constitutional amendment push has virtually no chance of passing in the currently divided Congress. Instead, it’s all for show and is meant to cater to the deranged and nonsensical political fantasies of liberal voters.
And by the way—of all people, who does Joe Biden think he is, demanding term limits from the Supreme Court? The man has been in the D.C. swamp for over 50 years, and many believe he is hiding his ailing mental capacity while serving as President! If anyone needs term limits, it’s Joe Biden.
Supreme Court Just Shut Down DOJ Prosecution Of Trump
This also comes just after the Supreme Court effectively shut down the Department of Justice’s potential prosecution against former President Donald Trump. Biden and his fellow Democrats were counting on that heading into this election. That’s why they desperately want the decision to be undone.
Biden and the Democratic Party also want to make it easier to replace a conservative majority so that in the future, their twisted plans to interfere with elections and target conservatives will be pushed through by the Supreme Court with no resistance.
While it’s incredibly unlikely that Biden and Harris’ Supreme Court reforms will go through, this gives us all a disturbing look at the left’s future plans for the highest court in the land, should they continue to be in power. It’s a reminder of just how crucial it is that Trump win this election and then continue to protect the sanctity of the Supreme Court with everything he has.
Key Takeaways:
- Biden and Harris call for Supreme Court reforms.
- They want term limits for justices and limits on presidential immunity.
- This comes after the Supreme Court effectively shut down DOJ prosecution against Trump.
Source: Fox News