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Texas Makes “10 Commandments” Move – And Liberals Are Totally Losing Their Minds
By Mick Farthing|May 23, 2023
Texas Makes “10 Commandments” Move – And Liberals Are Totally Losing Their Minds

What’s Happening:

Well, if you want to make a Democrat angry, tell them what’s happening in Texas. Democrats have spent years trying to flip this conservative state blue. And they’ve failed. Texas is becoming more red with each passing day. Texas abolished abortion and legalized constitutional carry.

But Texas is only getting started ruining liberals’ day.

Texas lawmakers are running with a recent Supreme Court decision. The highest court scored a massive win for a football coach who was fired for praying with his team. Now, Texas is not wasting any time, restoring something the left ripped from our society years ago.

From MSN:

Texas lawmakers are scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to require that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom in the state, part of a newly energized national effort to insert religion into public life…

The bill, which is scheduled Tuesday for the House floor, is one of about a half-dozen religion bills approved this session by the Texas Senate, including one that would allow uncertified chaplains to replace trained, professional counselors in K-12 schools.

Oh no! The Ten Commandments in public schools!? Do you know what might happen if we do that? Children might actually start obeying them! What are we going to do if students learn about God, honoring their father and mother, and not stealing or killing!?

We might have a society on our hands!

Texas is also looking to implement other bills that will protect religious freedom on school campuses. Public schools have long been a battleground for faith in America. Ever since prayer was taken out of public schools in the 60s, liberals have been fighting to erase our spiritual heritage.

It is any wonder why so many young people have no hope, don’t care about their futures, and dismiss law and order.

Texas is part of a national movement to restore this part of our national heritage. The Ten Commandments are in no way forcing religion onto students. The list of laws from the Bible is embraced by all three major religions.

Democrats claim this is “pushing religion into state.” Not, really. Public schools are in America, aren’t they? So why should our First Amendment rights be swept under the rug, just because we step onto a campus?

Perhaps liberals need to re-learn what the Bill of Rights says? Better yet, the Ten Commandments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas is pushing a bill that will place the Ten Commandments in public schools.
  • This comes after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a coach who prayed with his team.
  • Democrats are melting down over this news, claiming Texas is “pushing” church into state.

Source: MSN

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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