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Historic Trans Study Leaves Americans Speechless – These Numbers Just Shocked the Medical World
By Mick Farthing|June 29, 2023
Historic Trans Study Leaves Americans Speechless – These Numbers Just Shocked the Medical World

What’s Happening:

Right now, the Democratic Party has planted its flag on the transgender movement. They have doubled and tripled down on pushing radical policies that would subject children to life-altering procedures. Democrats in public schools try to convince vulnerable children they are “trans.” And leftists host drag shows, inviting children to attend.

Meanwhile, transgender shooters have murdered teachers and students.

But what are the facts about transgender people? Democrats have spent considering time and money to convince Americans this movement is safe and normal. That trans people need “support” and encouragement. Now, a new study has come out that is shattering the left’s narrative of this “movement.”

From Daily Wire:

A new Danish landmark study finds that suicide rates and psychiatric conditions are much higher among trans-identifying people.

Trans-identifying people in Denmark had a suicide death rate 3.5 times higher and a suicide attempt rate 7.7 times higher than people who did not identify as transgender…

There were 92 suicide attempts and 12 suicide deaths among the study’s 3,759 trans-identifying people between 1980 and 2021.

This is a deeply-troubling report. One that the New York Times and CNN will surely ignore. Denmark conducted a study of the mental health of transgender people and found them to be much more likely to suffer psychiatric problems, compared to the rest of the public.

In fact, according to the study, nearly 43% of trans-identifying people had psychiatric diagnoses compared to just 7% of the non-trans people they studied.

Suicides are 3.5 times higher among trans people than among non-trans people.

The left claims that transgender youths are only suicidal when they are denied life-altering drugs or procedures. But it must be noted that Denmark is one of the most progressive countries in the world and supporters transgenderism more than the United States.

So, their transgenders are not being denied medical interventions–in fact, just the opposite. And still, they suffer serious mental challenges and suicide.

This is something nobody should ignore. It proves what many people fear, that transgenderism is linked to mental health issues. Yet Democrats are exploiting this group for political brownie points, even pushing it onto children.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Denmark study found transgenders are much more likely to suffer mental illness and suicide.
  • This comes as Democrats in the U.S. push transgenderism onto children.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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