Trump Blows Lid Off #1 Biden Secret – Donald Just Revealed Who Is Really in Charge
Trump Blows Lid Off #1 Biden Secret – Donald Just Revealed Who Is Really in Charge

Trump won a decisive victory during the Iowa caucuses. He is now riding that momentum into the next round of primary voting.

Many have already stated the primaries are over. And Trump has spent much of his time lately focusing on the general election.

So, it comes as no surprise that he is lambasting the Biden administration. During a recent interview, he even revealed who he thinks is really calling the shots at the White House.

From Breitbart:
[Trump] said that the real threat to “democracy” was incumbent President Joe Biden, whom Trump claimed was surrounded by “communists,” “Marxists” and “fascists.”

“[N]ow, Biden is a threat to democracy,” he declared. “He is an absolute threat to democracy. He’s very dangerous for a couple of reasons. Number one, he’s grossly incompetent, the number one reason. But he’s also – actually, in his own way, it’s not him, it’s the people around him. He set very bad people surrounding him at that desk.”

“You have people running the Department of Justice surrounding him,” Trump continued. “They’re young, and they’re smart, and they are communists, and they’re Marxists. They’re fascists, and they’re running this country.”

Donald Trump unloaded on Joe Biden and his all-but failed presidency. Trump hammered Joe, saying he’s “grossly incompetent.” Many Americans agree with Trump on that point, including many Democrats (although they might not admit it).

Biden has made seemingly rash and poor decisions since day one of his administration. He has refused to acknowledge his mistakes—including policies on the border and energy—which have only made problems balloon into crises.

But the second point Trump made might shock many. The former president claimed the White House is being run by “Marxists” and “communists.” Trump accused the people around Biden of being “young” and “smart” and also fascists.

It’s no secret that Biden hired many of Bernie Sanders’s staffers after winning the Democratic primary in 2020. Many of those people followed him into the White House. Sanders himself is an unapologetic socialist. He is considered a Marxist by many, based on his own comments.

It is likely many of the far-left decisions made by President Biden have been pushed by these “Marxist” staffers. The once moderate Joe Biden has become shockingly progressive during his stay at the White House. Few will be able to refrut Trump’s claims.

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump accused President Biden of being “grossly incompetent.”
  • He went on to claim the people running the country are “Marxists” and “communists.”
  • Joe Biden has favored far-left, progressive policies since entering the White House.

Source: Breitbart

January 19, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.