Trump Calls to Reform 25th Amendment, Adding the Removal of Vice-Presidents for Cover-Ups
Trump Calls to Reform 25th Amendment, Adding the Removal of Vice-Presidents for Cover-Ups

Donald Trump has made it clear that if he wins the 2024 presidential election, cleaning up the “DC swamp” will be his top priority. During his first term, Trump worked hard to expose and dismantle the bureaucratic elite, but this time, he’s promising an even more aggressive approach.

His goal? Root out the corruption he believes runs deep within Washington. And boy, haven’t we seen how deep the corruption runs in that city? We don’t have to tell you about that. The swamp has shown its ugly face again and again.

He has consistently pointed to career politicians and unelected officials who wield power behind the scenes, promising that in his second term, they won’t get a free pass. “I drained the swamp before, and I’ll do it again,” he told supporters at a recent rally. His message resonates with Americans who are tired of Washington insiders calling the shots. And one of his top goals would shut down even the highest placed officials, if they are caught in corrupt actions.

From Daily Caller:
The 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for reform of the 25th Amendment to allow for the removal of vice presidents Saturday at a campaign rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin…

“I will support modifying the 25th Amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the President of the United States, if you do that with a coverup of the President of the United States, it’s ground for impeachment immediately and removal from office. Because that’s what they did,” Trump said.

Trump’s cleanup plan doesn’t stop at nameless bureaucrats. He’s also focusing on holding elected officials accountable, particularly the Vice President. At a recent campaign rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, Trump called for a reform of the 25th Amendment. Specifically, he wants the ability to impeach a vice president who participates in covering up the cognitive decline of a sitting president. This was a direct jab at Kamala Harris, who has been accused by Trump and many Republicans of hiding Joe Biden’s alleged diminished mental fitness. Trump emphasized that, in his eyes, Harris played a key role in this cover-up and that he should be held accountable.

In front of a fired-up crowd, Trump laid out his case for modifying the 25th Amendment. “If a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the President of the United States, it’s ground for impeachment immediately and removal from office,” Trump declared. This call for reform comes as Trump and many of his supporters continue to question Biden’s cognitive abilities, a concern that became a focal point during the 2020 election and beyond.

The 25th Amendment currently allows for the removal of a president if two-thirds of both the House and Senate vote that the president is unfit for office. In that case, the vice president steps in to take over. Trump argues that if the vice president is complicit in covering up the president’s incapacity, they should also be subject to removal. This is a bold move that Trump believes would prevent future administrations from hiding the truth from the American people.

Trump’s remarks also came after reports emerged from the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign, revealing efforts to track and suppress online discussions about Biden’s mental fitness. Videos obtained by journalist Matt Orfalea showed former campaign officials creating programs to flag “misinformation narratives” surrounding Biden’s cognitive abilities. Trump argues that these efforts were part of a larger cover-up that allowed Biden to continue his campaign despite widespread concerns about his fitness for office.

In light of the special counsel’s report and increasing calls from top Democrats for Biden to step aside, Trump’s push to modify the 25th Amendment is sure to stir even more debate as the 2024 race heats up.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump called for reforming the 25th Amendment to allow for the impeachment of vice presidents who cover up the president’s incapacity.
  • He specifically accused Kamala Harris of hiding Joe Biden’s alleged cognitive decline.
  • Trump also highlighted reports of Biden’s campaign efforts to suppress discussions of his mental fitness during the 2020 election.

Source: Daily Caller

September 9, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.