Last month, Kamala Harris sat down with 60 Minutes for a rare interview. This came as somewhat of a surprise, as Harris has avoided the press at an unprecedented level for a presidential candidate throughout this race.
Many would argue that Harris has likely done this because, on the rare occasion that she does give an interview, she almost always embarrasses herself with one of her infamous “word salad” moments. Even having much of the media firmly on her side can’t save Harris from herself. Indeed, when Harris actually has to speak off the cuff, her incompetence typically becomes clear immediately.
The night before Harris’ interview with 60 Minutes aired on October 7, a preview clip was shown on Face The Nation. This clip resulted in Harris being widely mocked for giving a “word salad” answer to a question that 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker asked about Israel.
When the full interview aired in the 60 Minutes election special the next day, however, a much shorter and more focused answer from Harris was seen. This has resulted in many accusing CBS News of trying to protect Harris from further backlash by editing the interview in her favor.
CBS News has denied doing this. However, the scandal has now come back to bite the network in a big way. On Thursday, Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against CBS News seeking $10 billion in damages. In the suit,he argued that the network practiced “deceptive conduct” for the purpose of election interference in Harris’ favor.
From Fox News:
Trump attorneys said the complaint comes due to “CBS’ partisan and unlawful acts of election and voter interference through malicious, deceptive, and substantial news distortion calculated to confuse, deceive, and mislead the public.”Trump attorneys also argued the edits were done in an effort to “attempt to tip the scales in favor of the Democratic Party as the heated 2024 Presidential Election — which President Trump is leading — approaches its conclusion.”
“To paper over Kamala’s ‘word salad’ weakness, CBS used its national platform on 60 Minutes to cross the line from the exercise of judgment in reporting to deceitful, deceptive manipulation of news,” the lawsuit states.
Trump lawyers argue that news organizations “are responsible for accurately representing the truth of events, not distorting an interview to try and falsely make their preferred candidate appear coherent and decisive, which Kamala most certainly is not.”
Trump Is Not To Be Messed With
Once again, Trump is showing that he’s a strong leader who is not to be messed with. When someone hits Trump, he punches back twice as hard. No wonder America’s enemies were shaking in their boots throughout the entirety of his presidency!
This lawsuit comes after Trump spent weeks writing letters to CBS News demanding that they release the full transcript of Harris’ 60 Minutes interview. The network has repeatedly refused to do so. CBS News has claimed that “the interview was not doctored.” The network added that the program “did not hide any part of the vice president’s answer to the question at issue.”
If that’s the case, however, why not just release the full transcript and prove it? Doing so would certainly save CBS News a lot of time and money now that this lawsuit has been filed.
Once again, it’s more likely that Trump is as spot-on as he usually is. Indeed, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that CBS News did exactly what he’s accusing them of.
The liberal bias of the mainstream media is more out of control than ever. Something needs to be done to stop it. Here’s hoping Trump’s lawsuit is a huge success, and that CBS News gets exactly what’s coming to them!
Key Takeaways:
- Trump filed a $10 billion lawsuit against CBS News.
- He’s accusing the network of “deceptively doctoring” Harris’ 60 Minutes interview.
- CBS News has denied doing this but is refusing to release the interview’s full transcript.
Source: Fox News