Democrats Starting To Panic As Race Between Trump And Kamala Is Far Closer Than They Expected
Democrats Starting To Panic As Race Between Trump And Kamala Is Far Closer Than They Expected

We are now less than two weeks away from Election Day. Despite Democrats’ best efforts, the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump appears to be closer than ever.

For months, Democrats and the mainstream media have been working overtime to falsely portray Harris as a viable candidate. They’ve pushed the narrative that she’s such a strong candidate that there’s no way that she could lose to Trump.

Unfortunately for them, it looks like their push to ensure that Harris will destroy Trump has failed miserably. Indeed, it’s clear that Trump has a very real chance to win this election.

This has sent Democrats into panic mode with less than two weeks to go in this race. They are reportedly specifically worried about cracks in the “blue wall” of battleground states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

From The Hill:
“Everyone keeps saying, ‘It’s close.’ Yes, it’s close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that,” one Democratic strategist said. “Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.”

Another strategist was even more dour when asked about the current state of play: “If this is a vibe election, the current vibes ain’t great.”

Democratic strategist Jim Manley, who served as a senior aide to then-Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), got in on the action as well with a dig at Trump.

“It’s pretty damn frustrating for it to be so close given how extreme and unhinged Trump’s rhetoric has become in the last couple of weeks,” Manley said.

“I just hope and trust they’ve got a plan,” he added of the Harris campaign.

We would argue that Harris has been the one spouting “extreme and unhinged” rhetoric. When Harris was initially anointed as Joe Biden’s replacement in this race, she was running a campaign based on “joy.” As the race got tighter, however, she has since ditched the “joy” approach. These days, she prefers launching angry and below-the-belt attacks on Trump and his supporters.

In a CNN Town Hall earlier this month, Harris was asked if she thinks Trump is a “fascist.”

“Yes I do,” she replied with no hesitation.

Many Voters Have Had Enough Of Harris

This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that has turned off millions of voters. Many undecided voters are tired of Democrats’ constant dramatic attacks on Trump. Harris has basically run a campaign that revolves around bashing Trump rather than fixing the many issues our country is facing.

Democrats have good reason to be panicking right now. They frankly should have seen this coming all along, as Harris has always struggled to win over voters. Democrats never even got the chance to vote for Harris in a primary. Instead, she was anointed as Biden’s replacement by the Democrat establishment.

Prior to that, Harris was polling as one of the least popular vice presidents in American history. In the end, much to Democrats’ dismay, millions of voters can’t ignore just how bad things have gotten in Biden-Harris’ America. America as a nation simply can’t afford four more years of these woke policies.

Here’s hoping that Democrats are in for a major disappointment come Election Day.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Democrats panicking about Harris’ chances of winning.
  • Harris is starting to lose traction in crucial battleground states.
  • Harris has ditched her “joy” campaign in favor of bashing Trump.

Sources: The Hill, BBC, Axios

October 24, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!