Trump Uses Kamala’s Own Words To Shut Her Down During Debate – ‘I’m Talking’
Trump Uses Kamala’s Own Words To Shut Her Down During Debate – ‘I’m Talking’

Last night, Donald Trump had his first presidential debate against Kamala Harris. During it, Trump had one hilarious line that surely hit Harris right where it hurts.

During a 2020 vice presidential debate with Mike Pence, Harris constantly condescendingly told her opponent “I’m speaking” whenever he tried to talk over her. Critics fired back at her at the time by claiming that this was a desperate move on Harris’ part to create a viral moment.

Fast forward four years later, and Trump found himself on the debate stage against Harris. He quickly took this opportunity to use her own past words against her.

From Fox News:
“She gave up at least 12 and probably 14 or 15 different policies, like she was big on defund the police,” Trump said before it appeared VP Harris attempted to say something.

“Wait a minute, I’m talking now,” Trump shot back. “If you don’t mind, please. Does that sound familiar?”

“She went out in Minnesota and wanted to let criminals that killed people that burned down Minneapolis,” Trump said immediately after asking Harris to let him finish speaking. “She went out and raised money to get them out of jail. She did things that nobody would ever think of. Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.”

Check out the epic moment for yourself in the video below. Take that, Kamala!

This came after the Harris campaign tried for weeks to convince ABC to not mute the microphone of the candidate that wasn’t speaking during the debate. It should be noted that the mics weren’t muted in her debate with Pence. Clearly, Harris was hoping to recreate her previous “I’m speaking” moment by attempting to play the victim whenever Trump would talk over her.

Unfortunately for Harris, ABC wasn’t having any of it. Indeed, last night, the mic of the candidate who wasn’t speaking was mercifully muted.

Harris Is A Weak Debater

Harris’ original “I’m speaking” moment highlighted what a weak debater she really is. She can’t beat conservatives when it comes to arguing over policies, so she resorts to tactics like that one in a pathetic attempt to earn herself brownie points.

Unable to use the mic to her advantage last night, Harris instead attempted to go viral by making faces when Trump was speaking. This may have endeared her to Trump-hating liberals who were always going to vote for her anyway. However, it was a turnoff to the millions of Americans who aren’t hopelessly infected with Trump derangement syndrome. To those voters, it only made Harris look more unlikable and classless.

Trump hitting Harris with the “I’m talking” line also serves as a reminder of his hilarious sense of humor. The left constantly tries to portray Trump as a heartless dictator. In reality, Trump is a quick-witted person who is always up for a laugh. Unlike Harris, he can actually come up with clever digs on the spot that are humorous while hitting home at the same time.

Whether or not you think Trump won last night’s debate, you can’t deny that he had a great moment with his “I’m talking” line. Good for him for finding a way to use Harris’ infamous “I’m speaking” quip against her!

Source: Fox News

September 11, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!