Blue City Trump Rally Blows Away All Expectations – Even Donald Can’t Believe the Total Number
Blue City Trump Rally Blows Away All Expectations – Even Donald Can’t Believe the Total Number

The liberal mainstream media is trying its best to contain any real reporting of former President Donald Trump’s political rallies. The leftists continue to criticize the massive events or even ignore the magnitude of thousands upon thousands of people flocking to his rallies.

The media attempts to contain news of Trump’s gatherings have failed and Trump’s events only seem to be growing. And the number of people attending who come from unexpected voter demographics is confounding to the left to the point that their anger is boiling over.

Trump has also purposely scheduled rallies deep in the heart of Democrat territory which enrages the left even more. His latest venture in a deep-blue city shocked everyone, even Trump, with how many people showed up to support him.

From Fox News:
Former President Trump has broken political norms by visiting one of the most deep-blue areas in New York City, a town not necessarily known for its kindness to Republicans.

Trump rallied a crowd of what his campaign estimated to be 25,000 supporters at Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, far more than the initial 3,500 it said were expected to attend. Those numbers appeared to also include those lined up outside the event – who waited hours for a shot at getting inside even after the event began.

“I’m here tonight to declare we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly,” Trump said after taking the stage, vowing to bring back safety and better schools to the city. “We are going to make New York bigger, better and greater than ever before.”

Law enforcement sources later reported that between 8,000 and 10,000 attended. Even given those numbers, Trump attracted thousands more than anyone expected, and the final tally showed how much people from all areas of the country want him to change the failing status quo of the current administration.

Trump, who built his business empire in New York, praised the city and its rich history while lamenting that it is “now a city in decline.” He highlighted the violent crime in the subways and homeless encampments throughout the city as examples of how badly change is needed.

The presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential race criticized the current president as failing the people of the Bronx and that the Democrat in office was “grossly incompetent.”

“If a New Yorker can’t save this city, no one can,” Trump declared to loud cheers. “Who said we’re not going to win New York?”

Trump vowed that if he wins in November he will reach across the aisle to Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democrat Mayor Eric Adams to get the city on track by renovating the subway system, shoring up the parks, and removing the mentally ill and homeless from the streets.

There was a diverse group among the thousands of people gathered to see the former president. Reports noted there were Black, Hispanic, White, Asian and Muslim supporters. Some attendees traveled from as far as Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut. Many said they were from the Bronx, Brooklyn or Queens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump broke the leftist media with his massive, historic political rally in the Bronx.
  • The former president’s campaign claimed that 25,000 people attended the event.
  • People across all voter demographics rallied together to show their support.

Source: Fox News

May 25, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.